You seem pretty awesome! :D I read ur little how-i-came-to-love-reading-story on Mrs.Atwood's zombie story. So i thought id share mine, since i have no one to tell it to...
It all started in second grade, when i was 7 years old when i was browsing Border's ( i miss that place :( ) wandering the sections. Nothing stood out to me, just dull boring level 1 books. Until, BAM, Junie B. Jones books. I picked one up, begged my mom to buy it for me, and went home and read it. Only to return the next day, for the next one.In a week I finished the whole series, and went on to other reads. But soon i found that they all were so far below me, so...retarded. I went to read books for 12 year olds.Imagine, a 7 year old in the novel section, picking up the biggest books that she couldnt even carry. While the whole class was still stuck on Bernstein Bear's during D.E.A.R. time. I was reading chapter books thicker than the world's biggest chocolate bar.
Fast forward couple years later, and im reading books that weigh more than me, and are even fatter then a solid , gold bar. And anytime i bring them to school people bug their eyes out blabbering "how could you READ that?? It's so BIG" And im like " Puh-leez this is nothing!" ;)
The End. Lol.
P.S. Im even reading that book that is my profile pic... ;)