Hi, Qwistie. I'm delighted that an awesome African has found my stories.
Most of my stories are set in places where I lived or vacationed.
My experiences in Germany serving as a soldier are woven into my narrative of In His Sensuous Arms. I loved Rothenberg and Bamberg, which are historical cities.
But I loved my shorter time serving as a Peace Corps teacher in the remote village of Bolahun, Liberia, at Holy Cross Mission.
During my service I managed to vacation in East Africa: Tanzania, Zanzibar, Unganda, and Kenya.
My profile pic was taken at Mandara Hut on Mount Kilimanjaro. My residence in Liberia in the background.
Oh, yes. I spent time visiting lovely places such as Malindi and Mombasa.
On Mombassa, I toured Ft. Jesus and banged my hand lightly against the huge elephant tusks that cross above one of the busy streets. (They're made of steel.)
So I'm pleased to say that I have an idea of what life is like in parts of Africa.
Several of my stories are set there.
It's nice to meet you. I hope you're having a great experience here on Wattpad.