
Thank you for voting! :3 I appreciate it!


Lol  hahahaha. Well I mean I’m not sure maybe it’s just a certain person that writes a thank you message not sure! 
            And yayyyy I’m glad you like my story and sorry for not answering sooner I didn’t realize you sent this! No excuses but yeah. Sorry. 
            But that is sorta weird that only people writing in English sent messages only.  


@ Shadow7227  and I appreciate your appreciation, it seems to me the english fandom is more gentle (idk), I have been reading fanfics in my language and voting them and no one write to say "gracias por votar, lo apreció y por eso dejo un mensaje en tu perfil" or something (at least like this). I don't think is bad, it's just when I see your messages, I think (in spanish) "waht's happening?! what should i do?!". And don't worry, I vote because I like.