❝ Hello again . . ! ❞
          - The male randomly appeared infront of her, obviously wanting to talk to her even though he already knew that it lead into a hassle, but who was he to care ? He was already use to the arguments between them anyways . -


            - She'd blush of embarrassment and just stare at him for a second before aggressively pushing him away -
                   ⊱ ♡ ⊰   -        ❝ D-Don't touch me like that ever again ! ❞
            - She spoke with irritation in her voice, stuttering a little while doing so . She then remembered the deal that they had and sighed -
                   ⊱ ♡ ⊰   -        ❝ Where is my uniform so we can get this over with ? ❞


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                   ❝ Bold of you to assume I would fuck you . How . . Interesting ~ . And don't worry about your Reputation, I can simply erase everyone's memory of whatever they see . ❞
            - He replied, cupping her soft, warm, red cheeks . He obviously wasn't going to kiss her or anything like that, he simply found her embarrassed state rather entertaining or ' cute ' as others say -


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                   ⊱ ♡ ⊰   -        ❝ THERE'S NO WAY IM DOING THAT - DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THAT CAN RUIN MY REPUTATION ? ! Plus, I find that a bit sexual, and im not trying to get fucked by anyone, Especially YOU . ❞
            - She huffed . Her cheeks were a bit red when she said the last part, she was a little embarrassed about the whole situation which is very rare -