☆ミ ; i’m back ! cb for a one liner with mood if you’d like <3

this message may be
@umbralities ;; an intro , or sum wildin shit / they’ve known each over for a while ? uwu xoxo

/ sooo mbv ? uwu


if you even attempt to attack me , this sword will have your blood on it

@demonbrats ‘nd your head will be up your ass if you think i go down that easy , dude !

if you're gonna summon me , you better have a good reason .

/ sorry if this is bad :’) I’m a little rusty at righting starters the solo villainess maneuvered through the lasers with ease as she made her way through the large museum and over to the gem that had caught her eye only days before . “ come to mama — “ she commented playfully as she dug in her bag for a tool to cut the glass box that said gem was being held . but what the bubbly blonde failed to notice was the stranger that had followed her into the building and was currently now hiding in the shadows watching her carefully as she continued to cut through the glass box . finally cutting a large enough hole , the clownette slipped her slender hand through and grasped for the gem before catching it in her gloved hand . “ diamonds really are ‘ ah gals best friend huh ? “ she joked to herself before slightly freezing at the sound of a triggered alarm .

@R0BINBOY / no thank you darlin ! <33 the blonde jumped at the unfamiliar voice before turning her head to see the bat’s sidekick himself , it made her wonder if the bat wasn’t too far behind either . “ weren’t ‘ cha ever taught not to sneak up on ‘ ah gal who’s all on her lonesome ? don’t tell me this is what bat daddy is teachin ’ you kids these days — “ the blonde joked teasingly , a goofy grin pulling at her ruby painted lips . “ judgin ’ from the fact that mistah darkness hasn’t jumped down , from god knows where , to stop me himself — ya ’ own your own this time aren’t ‘ cha ? here why don’t ‘ cha save yourself the ass beatin ’ and run along . i’m sure there’s ‘ah cat in ‘ah tree just waitin ’ for ya ’ to come save it . “ the clownette let out a mocking snort of laughter before continuing to place the large gem in the bag that hung loosely from her slender wrist .

@OFJESTERBLOOD / this is amazing ! thank you <33 the new boy wonder had taken over a case which probably would’ve been better for nightwing . stealth wasn’t his thing , and was what he usually went straight in for . but the only reason he was following THE harley quinn was since bruce was ‘ busy with another case ’ and believed that this would help jason ‘ finally get a grip ’ and start with the actual villains alone . so here he was , blending in with the shadows , watching the platinum blonde steal the diamond in front of his own eyes . he had blocked off all exits , and triggered an alarm . oh how very cliché . " hey , babe , you can’t be doin’ this — i’ll have you know it’s / highly / illegal , and you’ll be having serious beef with me . it’s not cool ! " he wandered his way out of the shadows , a small smirk appearing on his face .

" DO NOT CALL ME THAT ! " ;; cb for a one-liner or starter , nd specify mood ! <3

"Dead boy walking.. Outlaw eventually.." the blond called out from the cell.

@JauneValeska ;; " whatever man — you don’t know what you’re goddamn talking about -! "

it hurt . it , god awfully , hurt . ali’ d just woken up in a body that felt sore , and the ‘ walk around to see if you can unwind ’ hadn’ t exactly helped either . she let her weight down to jump onto the puddle of rain gathered by the sidewalk , letting the unfamiliar texture soak its way into the cloth of her shoes ( ? ) , painfully unaware of one reckless car driving her way . ¦IDK

¦ OR MAUBE CHANGE TGAT TO why are you looking there ? doesnt matter BBUTT we could move this since i ju s t realized u divided the mbss !!

⠀،، another blink as she made the lucky choice of successfully managing to take another step as to figure out how this.. car .. (?) worked by opening the door for herself after hearing the boy’ s words . right foot following her left in to close the door behind herself , she was brought face to face with the said boy - whose features she could still visibly see now even with him (intently) staring elsewhere . pause , as if she was waiting for him to say something . dark eyeshadow was drooping in color from the sides of her eyes , her looked still to be an odd match to the school uniform . almond eyes , small nose , rose - tinted cheekbones and a nose bridge reddened from the cold weather outside . “ .. why aren’ t you looking at me ? ” the question’ s nature was pointing very clearly to him avoiding her gaze , but the way she let it out was remarkably curious . people usually looked at each other before they introduced themselves to the other .. had they skipped a step ? was there another way interactions of these kind went ? ¦ omg alwaysbjsjsj she looks teenaged just as an fyi dw bb <33 !! also that literally made me get up and drink water so thank you ???

@sixese / IM SORRY OKAY but thank you so much 4 confirming she isn’t in a hookers body <3 i literally love you also ok go drink some water ur important xoxo the thoughts had been washed away once the - girl came into full view . converse and what looked like a school uniform put his mind at ease . " i , uh — " he thought he had sound like an idiot . she wasn’t homeless . well , as far as he was concerned . " — never mind . hop in , i’ll take you wherever you need to . . . i guess . " the situation felt tense and awkward to him now . but whatever . he looked down at the steering wheel , taking his mind off thinking that the girl was either HOMELESS or a goddamn HOOKER . jesus . what a teenager move .