
The Lunarian Guide has been taken down. The new version is in the writin', 4 chapters are done so far. It will take a few weeks, or maybe a month or two, until I start publishing the first few chapters. Pls stay tuned; I wanted to create cover arts too - <3


@R0tt3n_Rabbit wir machen hart Werbung dafür !!!


@Nukamira ohne Mist. Ich bin selber schockiert  das bedeutet so viel 


I can’t wait for the new version and the covers 


The Lunarian Guide has been taken down. The new version is in the writin', 4 chapters are done so far. It will take a few weeks, or maybe a month or two, until I start publishing the first few chapters. Pls stay tuned; I wanted to create cover arts too - <3


@R0tt3n_Rabbit wir machen hart Werbung dafür !!!


@Nukamira ohne Mist. Ich bin selber schockiert  das bedeutet so viel 


I can’t wait for the new version and the covers 


In the coming days, I will be unpublishing my biggest Fanfiction: The Lunarian Guide to the Blue World. 
          But do not worry! It will come back, but it will return with a new version in a couple of months. I am currently working on re-writing it. My writing skills have massively improved over the past few years and the last version is rather outdated and doesn't suit my skill anymore. I also wanted to change a few things, bigger plotpoints and include more slice of life scenes too. The new work will have a better outlay and direction too. At least in my opinion, I am highly critical of my own work. So, please stay tuned. Enjoy the read while it's still on. ^^ 
          The new version will be hopefully the last time I am writing this fanfiction; yes, I do aim for personal perfectionism down to the tiniest detail. Call it one of my autistic special interrests, idc LOL :D 
          Anyway, if you see the Lunarian Guide missing on my profile in a few days or a week or two, don't worry, I am preparing and working on massive improvements. I am also not happy with the old cover arts, so there will be new ones too. Thank you for your understanding, kindness and support. 
          For more story content and art, check out my insta ^^ <3


Sorry for the lack of updates here ^^ I've decided I prolly going to re-write the Lunarian Guide this or next year, considering my literature skill and my English skill have improved and I think I can do better. In the meantime, I'll be updating the Fairy Tail FF and hopefully get this written down this year too ^^


Latest chapter has been uploaded yesterday. The next chapter is prepared, but it needs proofreading and edits. I am positive I will be able to load it up this month. As mentioned, after the next chapter, I might need to make a short break from writing until the Egghead Island Ark currently running is concluded :3 Pls stay tuned. :3


Aight. I will be working on the update for the next chapter today. Maybe I get this done and upload it for ya'll. Next chapter is written and prepared already as well, but it needs proof-reading first. I hope I can get yet another chapter uploaded this month, after that though, I really, really do need the current outcome of the Egghead Island Arc to continue :3


I'm sorry, but the Hiatus is still ongoing and my condition is not improving at all as of now. I hope things change soon and I'll be able to write more content. I do have to put my health before this hobby, which sucks and is frustrating, but I have no other choice, than hopefully recovering at some point ><


I'll be finalising the next three chapters in the next month or two and upload them for ya'll! After that, it might take a little longer, as the story will get a few additional chapters as originally planned! Egghead Island is incoming! I'm also taking things slow and wait for the latest One Piece chapters to have more information about this. I'm also slowly preparing for the grande finale. In all due hope, I hope to finish the Lunarian Guide at some point this year! Pls stay tuned and thank you for your support <3


Hey yall! Health isn't doing well on me atm, and next week I need to go to hospital again. So there is some delay. I hope I can still get one more chapter out this year, but eventually the next release will need to wait till January t.t I'll try to work some in advance, so maybe I can double release once my condition is getting better again. <3