
What do I do
          	I'm a student and I study dermatology, and for the past 2 years, I don't know HOW and WHY but I have alot of products that are associated with skin
          	When you enter my apartment, it's literally a pharmacy ハハハ 
          	Do I give them away to people who need it more than me? (Ex. Relatives, Friends, The Homeless, etc..) Or do I return the unopened or new products and get a refund? Helpp !!1


What do I do
          I'm a student and I study dermatology, and for the past 2 years, I don't know HOW and WHY but I have alot of products that are associated with skin
          When you enter my apartment, it's literally a pharmacy ハハハ 
          Do I give them away to people who need it more than me? (Ex. Relatives, Friends, The Homeless, etc..) Or do I return the unopened or new products and get a refund? Helpp !!1


I miss Japan
          I remember having Mogu Mogu there with my Older Brother whenever we get pocket money and go to the parks and sit there just talking about school, Friends, Etc.
          I cma to Korea to study and live here, the last time I came here to Japan was two years ago, 5 months at Tokyo, 7 at Yokohama, then a year at sapporo. Some1 take me backkk