Hey. So, this is the kind of project that is extremely personal and difficult to realistically promote just out of how fake it feels, but it is probably for the best to announce this. I released a more grim project, "13". It is an LP and moderately long. Be warned it is dark and immature at times, but I'd argue it is my most honest project as of now. I hope you can read it if you have the time.


Hello!!! I just dropped disc 2 of my LP/thingy "Songs for GaeDog". PLEASE check it out! I know the album is short but it is mostly because certain songs are long. Hope you enjoy! Merry xmas!!!!


Hey man, I like your work. Although you mostly seem to write more rock music an like the only rap stuff you made was more boom bap, I was curious if you would like to collab sometime  I saw that that Remilo guy said it 1st, an idk if u already worked w/ him or no, but if you ever have the time, hmu. Btw the music I make is more experimental, and I just got on Wattpad after my google docs got lost. Thnx man


Why hello hello!! I AM IN FACT UR BIGGEST FAN (and u know it).
          Well maybe there is someone out there who loves you more (like ur mom), but just know I love ur music so much!! ^^ (and ur stories, role plays, and movies/series u wanna make)!
          Well then have a wonderful day >_<
          And If you’ve been having a bad day, NOW U DONT!! Yup, vanish, it’s gone :)
          Oki buh bye! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORKKK
          Best regards,


Just realized I misspelled 




Hey, how are you doing?
          I just wanted to say I’m a massive fan of your work! 
          I write raps myself here on my account and both MF DOOM and André 3000 are massive influences to me as well!
          If you wanted to collaborate sometime let me know, my following isn’t the biggest but I’m sure the exposure would help you out!
          Also you wouldn’t believe how many of these “Esteemed author” bots I get lol, I can completely understand your frustration with them 


@R3DV3LV I’m glad to hear that! I imagine it would probably be easiest to work over Discord, my handle is ostroverianemperor. I appreciate that you took the time to look at some of my stuff and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m looking forward to working with you and you’re very welcome! 


Hello, thank you for your offer! I am willing to collaborate sometime. I plan on making more hiphop projects soon in the future. If you want my discord or gmail then I would be willing to give you that. I checked out some of your stuff and it is great! If you need any of my contact info (or if you wanna just converse here) then let me know! Yet again, thanks!