
The comfyness of just laying in your bra and sweatpants >>>>
          	The gender/body dysphoria  <<<<<


@R4yandK3mEx1sts You are awesome! ilysm! *huggies* btw im dyiing on Sunday so I wanted to tell you goodbye


To whom it may concern,
          You have been formally invited to the February 2025 Wattpad Tea Party. The theme for the party is spooky cute/pastel goth, please come wearing your outfit of best fit. I will be hosting it in a book on my profile from 5pm CST-9pm CST on Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025. You are required to bring a plus one or a date, and check in with the reception chapter before joining the festivities!
          We have a lineup of events that will be occurring that night which will go as so in chronological order:
          -Murder Mystery Event
          -Voting for best dressed
          -Poetry contest
          Please check in and make your reservation before the party starts. Don't be late! Hope to see you there.
          Sincerely, your host, Metrodora


Hii ! *K


ImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgustingImdisgusting *K


@R4yandK3mEx1sts notasdisgustingasjustinbeiberwhosaysrapehappensforareasonoradolfhitlerwholiterallykilledandtorturedandkillloadsofpeopleormebecausei’mnotbornintheroghtbodyanditfeelshotribleandgrossheavenhelpme