I felt the need to update our "About Me" segment yet again. So Raya and I aren't okay. Ever since I got a boyfriend, things have been different. I don't believe it's either of our faults. I know I've changed. Whether or not she did is not up to me to decide. I haven't talked to her really so I wouldn't know. As far as I can tell, we are going to continue this account. Our YouTube account is to be announced. I do not know what's happening with that. I no longer have "friends". I do not have anyone that I speak to personally daily. I have my boyfriend and I have one girl that I speak to in school and sometimes text but besides that.... I didn't want Raya and I's friendship to end. Believe me, I tried. It wasn't me who stopped caring. I left the decision up to her and she decided to terminate the friendship. If it was up to me, things would still be how they were. Boys, secrets, lies and fake people came between us. I never thought it would happen like that but I obviously was very wrong. I never trusted anyone like I did Raya and it's hard. I don't have anybody now. But I guess Raya is truly better off. She has people she can call friends now. I taught her not to let people walk all over her and it molded her into herself now. She has a boyfriend. As it'll be my 2 months with my boyfriend tomorrow, it'll be her 1 month with hers on the 1st. I'm happy for her but I wish things wouldn't have become so separate that we both cannot be friends. I miss her. Now when I'm having issues, I have no one. I don't have much choice anymore than to just ignore people and trust no one. It hurts, I'm not going to lie. One day maybe things will be different like when my boyfriend goes to college and I'm SERIOUSLY 100% alone. That's going to suck. But I'll take now for what it is and deal with that when it comes. Our story was incredible. Our beginning was ironic, surprising. Our end was abrupt, tragic. But we will always have the memories of what once was great. ~Laya