Hi Everyone! So I know it's been awhile and a lot has happened in my life. I'm terribly sorry to those who have been waiting for an update on "Used to be Mine" but I lost all my notes for it over the years and I have discomfort with continuing it. Maybe I'll pick it up in the future but theres no guarantee. As of now, I'm restarting a Regulus Black FanFic that I began a while back. Please give it a shot if you have sometime. Love you all and thank you for the support and love you all have given me.


Hi Everyone! So I know it's been awhile and a lot has happened in my life. I'm terribly sorry to those who have been waiting for an update on "Used to be Mine" but I lost all my notes for it over the years and I have discomfort with continuing it. Maybe I'll pick it up in the future but theres no guarantee. As of now, I'm restarting a Regulus Black FanFic that I began a while back. Please give it a shot if you have sometime. Love you all and thank you for the support and love you all have given me.