
"Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe
          	From childhood’s hour I have not been 
          	As others were—I have not seen 
          	As others saw—I could not bring 
          	My passions from a common spring— 
          	From the same source I have not taken 
          	My sorrow—I could not awaken 
          	My heart to joy at the same tone— 
          	And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone— 
          	Then—in my childhood—in the dawn 
          	Of a most stormy life—was drawn 
          	From ev’ry depth of good and ill 
          	The mystery which binds me still— 
          	From the torrent, or the fountain— 
          	From the red cliff of the mountain— 
          	From the sun that ’round me roll’d 
          	In its autumn tint of gold— 
          	From the lightning in the sky 
          	As it pass’d me flying by— 
          	From the thunder, and the storm— 
          	And the cloud that took the form 
          	(When the rest of Heaven was blue) 
          	Of a demon in my view. 
          	Okay so there's a story behind why I'm posting this. Junior year my English teacher gave us each poets to write about. The assignment was to recite a poem and explain why you can relate to it, and basically give your interpretation. The poet I got was Edgar Allan Poe and I couldn't think of a poem to use, there's so many of his poems that are nothing short of beautiful. 
          	So the teacher, Mrs. Parker, told me to look at this one because she felt I would be able to give a good meaning to the poem as well as I would probably relate to it a lot more than any of Poe's other works. Needless to say, she was right. I read the poem and fell in love. It's really weird to some people how poetry could have such a big part of my life because I'm not really one to talk about it, but nonetheless I love it. 


@RBFace be such a big part* Jesus


"Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe
          From childhood’s hour I have not been 
          As others were—I have not seen 
          As others saw—I could not bring 
          My passions from a common spring— 
          From the same source I have not taken 
          My sorrow—I could not awaken 
          My heart to joy at the same tone— 
          And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone— 
          Then—in my childhood—in the dawn 
          Of a most stormy life—was drawn 
          From ev’ry depth of good and ill 
          The mystery which binds me still— 
          From the torrent, or the fountain— 
          From the red cliff of the mountain— 
          From the sun that ’round me roll’d 
          In its autumn tint of gold— 
          From the lightning in the sky 
          As it pass’d me flying by— 
          From the thunder, and the storm— 
          And the cloud that took the form 
          (When the rest of Heaven was blue) 
          Of a demon in my view. 
          Okay so there's a story behind why I'm posting this. Junior year my English teacher gave us each poets to write about. The assignment was to recite a poem and explain why you can relate to it, and basically give your interpretation. The poet I got was Edgar Allan Poe and I couldn't think of a poem to use, there's so many of his poems that are nothing short of beautiful. 
          So the teacher, Mrs. Parker, told me to look at this one because she felt I would be able to give a good meaning to the poem as well as I would probably relate to it a lot more than any of Poe's other works. Needless to say, she was right. I read the poem and fell in love. It's really weird to some people how poetry could have such a big part of my life because I'm not really one to talk about it, but nonetheless I love it. 


@RBFace be such a big part* Jesus


I haven't been on here in so long that I forgot what RBFace stood for (Resting Bitch Face, which I have a sever case of) and when I finally remembered, I laughed for a solid five minutes then cringed so hard my face caved in on itself.