
Thanks for the follow, love.


Thank you so much for actively reading and voting on Enhancement! I appreciate it so much beyond words :) Just know that I'm so incredibly thankful!
          In the meantime if you’re interested, I started a brand-new short story. It’s for  a contest, but I’d love to see your thoughts and opinions :)
          Thanks so much! And P.S: Your bio is on point! I love it so much! Plus throw in that spectacular username, and you've got it made :)


          Okay, so I was wondering—if it's not much to ask—if y'all could check out my new story [Bluebird].
          It's short so it won't be a long read if you do. You don't have to vote or anything (although it would be appreciated) but, I would love to know what you think.
          Your friend/ follower/ wateva,