@bigblue564 no problem the story I was reading was really good I liked the idea of there being an apocalypse that only one male was alive and there was only women left. I could never think of that.
Hey guy how is everyone? Good I hope, I myself got hurt last Friday and had a pretty nasty knee injury while playing kickball. But I'm doing great so far I'm able to walk and am not in as much pain as I was so yay! Anyway hope everyone is having a good day/night.
Thank you for the follow! It means a lot to a person like me(not active much anymore...) I appreciate you taking your time to read my sad excuse of a story.
Again, thank you for the follow and have a wonderful day/night.
Hey guys I know I've been inactive but it's because my phone got busted more and I couldn't get into my phone but I just got it fixed today!✌ So yeah phone is fixed also don't forget to vote for the armor for the story I want to work on!
Hey guys wanted to let you that I might start work on a story also to get the details read the second book thing, I have and please help me with this so that I can start it I will take any kind of help.