Sup guys, I just wanted to quickly tell y'all that Darkwolf9375 just updated his book
          	(The Hazards of My Chosen Profession) I seriously recommend y'all give it a read. 


Oh and ladies and gentlemen I am cooking with this next chapter.


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Oh, and My buddy GrimGamer6678 also recently uploaded a new book. It's really fucking good. 


 In all seriousness, Thanks for the shoutout though. It helps.


Yours are better


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Holy fuck, well this just made my fucking week.
          SaintBlazin just returned and updated his story (THE SPECTER OF WAR). If you guys haven't heard of it or checked it, please, I implore you to take a look. It's good
          In my opinion, he has the skill to surpass GhillieCamo. 


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Ok, I'm... Writing this on the fucking verge of crying; yesterday, my family and I were illegally evicted from our family farm. I'm currently bunking at my aunt's place. I am still struggling to figure out what the hell to do.
          All around, yesterday was bad, to say the least.
          You Want to know what the Icing on the proverbial nightmare cake is.
          It happened on my fucking birthday. 


@REVENANT_B328 I'm so sorry that happened to you. Abraham Lincoln has a quote that I like. Here's how it goes... 
            "You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now." -Abraham Lincoln
            I know my words are merely the smallest, most primitive form if communication capable of holding meaning in isolation, but I hope sincerely that your situation improves and that you will feel better.


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@REVENANT_B328 That really fucking sucks. Especially on your birthday, hearts out to you brother. At least you have family near by in your time of need. I can't say anything to ease the stress, but here's hoping for the best outcome. 


Ok I got a question for everyone who's following (Thank you so much for that btw)
          I know the Anthro v Human genre Is Massive and maybe bloated, in my opinion, but It is also one of my favorite genres out there, alongside Halo, Warhammer 40k, and Ghost Recon... Speaking of GR I wanna know what you guys would think of an Anthro V Human book with a little Ghost Recon element in it with maybe a touch of romance?
          Oh, and I am working on the next chapter of THOSE WHO WEEP.
          And as soon as GRIM gets his next chapter out I will be working on WARTH OF THE FALLEN.
          Thank you for everything and GOD bless you. 


@Shadowninja1095 Thank you, now that leaves one more question. What version of the Ghosts do you think I should use, the future soldier style like cross-com and optical camo or something else? 


I like the idea of a Ghost recon with anthro V human aspect to it. It would be a nice change of pace from other books in the genre


You think SaintBlazin is still writing?


@Whatdoiputhereandwhy To be honest with you. I hope he is, but probably not. I don't know if the dude is still around or alive soo.
            The best I can say is I'm hopeful he is but I'm not willing to place any bets. 