Well  hey my name is Paulette,
but i hate it.
anyways, i am going to tell you what got me into writing. Well i really did not like reading. My teachers would tell me i have to read but i never did. but then we had to read The Outsiders,when i read the first chapter...it change my mind about reading. i was ahead of every one because i love the book. so when the teacher gave us the test on The Outsiders, guess what?! i got 100, on the test!!:)
what is when i stared to i love to write but i am kind shy to let anyone read my stories.
But i am still thinking about it. i mostly write about vampires, gang and well love.
what else should i tell you...I LOVE MUSIC. i love to write when i am listing to music.
And now you now a little about me.
  • JoinedJune 21, 2012

1 Reading List