Hello, everybody!!! I'd just like to thank you all for following me, and putting up with my constant, self-deadlining, which never works in my case by the way, as you all know. But, I just wanted to let you all know, if you feel like reading during your break, Link Six is completed. As for the Other Survivors, letting you know now, that's probably going to end up like the Outliers. (As in deleted) So, don't hold your breath for that one. So, have a good night everyone (or morning) read my stories, the finished ones, I will get to yours over the break when I'm not editing the three I have to. And, if you're interested, edited versions will be up on Bookemon.com, probably in late January, I do have like 220000 words in total to edit. So, have a great break everyone! Thank you for following me! And thank you for putting up with my habitual procrastination. HAPPY WINTER BREAK!!!!!!