Looking at a new direction for Noted! I'm going silent for a while...


Hi there! It's been a while. Three years to be precise and I have not written a single word in this time. Medical School doesn't give you much time to breathe, talk less of write. However, we seem to have found ourselves in a rather peculiar situation where time is the one thing that is in abundance. So rather than get bogged down by the onslaught of depressing news outside, I've decided to get back into something into something I really loved:
          I've started a new book and it's a little different from the action and drama I wrote before. It's a romance and the main character is extremely personal to me. However, it is fiction and I hope it will bring you some laugh out loud moments too. I'll start uploading the chapters in the next couple of weeks. I'd like to get a few more done so I don't leave anyone waiting. The story is tentatively titled:
          Noted (if anyone knows someone who can do a good cover, I would really appreciate it)
          On a side note, I would like to apologise to anyone who may have waited for an update to Shattered. All I can say is life got in the way.
          Take Care and Stay Safe everyone!


haha yes!! welcome to the comeback-after-years-bc-of-quarantine club!!! hang in there!!!


I think a lot of people will be coming back on because of quarantine. We have a lot of time spare. And for the maths part all I have to say is :o


@somerandomer2 Yes I do! Oh my gosh. How've you been?


So I feel like I owe you guys an explanation. I've been finding it really hard to get into Shattered. The plot I had a year ago no longer excites me enough to keep going. So I've decided to do a complete reboot and see what I come up with because I can't write what I don't love. I'm so so so sorry for all the delays. 
          Much love,


Yayyyyyy shattered is outttt!!!!!!!!!!! Thenkuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


@RHE_OF_LIGHT it's totally alright..Wattpad writers have hectic lives just as we all do so I totally understand.. I looooved revealed btw... ur a really good writer..keep on writing awesome stories and I'll support u all the way!
            Xoxo Nelushi


@AsLongAsItsABook Yeah. So sorry about the wait!


Guess who's back!!!!! Finals are done so just needing to get back into my swing then Shattered will be coming out piece by piece!


@RHE_OF_LIGHT Yeah, I úsually got a lot going on, lol. Thanks. :)


@Leverance WOW! 5 books. That's amazing.


@RHE_OF_LIGHT trying to wrap up like my fourth or fifth book on here (is a few chapters left and I have written this thing for MONTHS). xD 