Hi everyone! Suna fanfic update!! I’m still writing, but the plot has finally untied itself completely. It’s been such a fun past few months in terms of my creative process. Health issues and my heavy work schedule have gotten in my way of placing a set time for writing, but I’ve eliminated most of my social media to avoid distractions in my free time. Not sure if anyone’s reading this, but if you are, I hope you stick along until it’s published and finalized! (All the attention the Sakusa ff has gotten made me strive to work harder!) Thank you, ria_vivi

@Phoenixbunny02 Hey love, thanks for checking in!! <3 Adult life really does hit like a truck! But i’m definitely doing better. But omg that’s always a great predicament! Even if it’s hard to juggle work with our hobbies and passions, we’ll be okay! Nothing ever stopped us before, so why now? Right? But thank you, I wish you good luck as well!

@RIA_VIVI Hoping you feel better, Vivi! I've been going through the same thing with my writing! Started a new job last month, so I've been getting used to the schedule. Hoping to start updating again this week! Good luck! You got this!