Hi, everyone! I’m really grateful that so many of you are reading my story. However, I don’t have much time to publish a new story every month because I'm still a student and currently in my junior year, which keeps me busy. I feel bad for making you all wait so long, and I apologize for that. I appreciate your patience, and please hang in there for me!


Hi, everyone! I’m really grateful that so many of you are reading my story. However, I don’t have much time to publish a new story every month because I'm still a student and currently in my junior year, which keeps me busy. I feel bad for making you all wait so long, and I apologize for that. I appreciate your patience, and please hang in there for me!


Hi Riiny,
          How are you doing? My name is Israel Henry, a freelance artist specializing in comic characters, storyboards, and book covers. I admire your work and would love to collaborate with you to create custom artwork that brings your stories to life either a new project or upcoming.
          Check out my portfolio: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c323pc4lrtfz01a7z226a/Israel-Henry-Portfolio-2023-1.pdf?rlkey=sskp6t65m886z3n1v2ztnvm00&st=mbqbadh7&dl=0
          Feel free to message me if you’re interested.
          Best regards,
          Israel Henry


@Israel_Henry Hi, thank you for admiring my work I don't know what story you read but still thanks, and with the collaboration, I'm not so sure about that 