So apparently my "grandpa" was fighting with my uncle about sum unrelated stiff and suddenly he's like "It's all her fault this family is having a shitty relationship!" Because I told my 25 y/o aunt to stop acting like a brat and accept that I also have a life that doesn't revolve around her... being a shitty parent or a salty bitch, it's like damn pick struggle you Ignorant dwarf! Also he hated my granny (whom he cheated on) much more, than he cared about coming to my coming of age ceremony (its a thing for Atheist german teens). He never visits but expects to be invited. I am just so done with him and even tho he's the epitome of Ignorance, I still feel shitty that he doesn't love me and makes me responsible like he's the only "grandpa" I have left. Omg look at me venting like i shouldn't see a psychiatrist....