I’ll understand if you won’t respond (you’ll probably won’t) but I want to know if you’re okay. You haven’t been that active and I’m worried something happened.
Do you know how many times I've come home to Phoenix in her own damn puddle of blood?! Do you know how many times I've had to wrap her arms up?! Nine times last month. NINE FUCKING TIMES. BACK THE FUCK OFF CHISINAU.
@RISING_FROM_ASHES Watch. It. Suicide and depression is not a fucking joke. I lost my best friend, who was practically my brother, to suicide because of someone like you. You don't deserve to be here. You're going to hell for this.
Hey, if there's anyone confused or concerned, Phoenix has left wattpad because she was targeted. It terrified her. She's perfectly fine, she's just shaken up.
Yes. These group of asshats kept spamming her, basically telling her to commit suicide. I've reported it to the police, but they can't do much about it apparently.
Phoenix just got her dentist appointment done....
I'm legit salty as fuck because she has
N I N E T E E N .
Phoenix: *shoves two plastic bags into her mouth*
Me: what the fuCk?! What the absolute hell are you doing?!
Phoenix: iM hAvInG mY dAiLy DoSe Of CoNsTiPaTiOn.