
Chapter Seven of The Guardian is just some sort of chapter - you can call it filler if you want - that contains information about my thoughts about what the Limbo is and if you have read it then I hope you understood because I have a really hard time explaining how I actually imagine the Limbo is. I have read Dante's Inferno and how he imagined the Limbo is pretty interesting but what caught my attention was how the souls got there, although I'm an atheist (a person who doesn't believe in God/s) it interests me how people imagine these kinds of things or how it looks like to them.


Chapter Seven of The Guardian is just some sort of chapter - you can call it filler if you want - that contains information about my thoughts about what the Limbo is and if you have read it then I hope you understood because I have a really hard time explaining how I actually imagine the Limbo is. I have read Dante's Inferno and how he imagined the Limbo is pretty interesting but what caught my attention was how the souls got there, although I'm an atheist (a person who doesn't believe in God/s) it interests me how people imagine these kinds of things or how it looks like to them.


          Hello everyone! And yes, I'm alive... Anyway! Since I have "some" time to update my book/s (all thanks to this quarantine *sarcasm*) I decided on trying to update them when I can since I have online lessons with my professors and classmates... Though I will be rewriting "The Guardian Angel" because, after re-reading the whole thing, I felt that I should change it since the plot is too... Well, cliche and too... Dramatic? I don't know but I'll still rewrite it (I know I wrote 17 chapters but eh...). I'll just tell you guys that I will be posting new chapters once in a while because I have a lot of things to do (mostly because I have chores, homework and things to study) but I'll still try to update when I have nothing to do or when I'm done with things... 
          Now, that's all and I hope that you guys have a great day! 
          Stay at home though and always wash your hands when you come back from outside!