
Am I the only one who actually likes it when an author mentions the music they listen to when they write? I can’t be, or it wouldn’t be a thing. I’ve found some music I wouldn’t have otherwise listened to from this and I think that’s awesome.


Am I the only one who actually likes it when an author mentions the music they listen to when they write? I can’t be, or it wouldn’t be a thing. I’ve found some music I wouldn’t have otherwise listened to from this and I think that’s awesome.


this message may be offensive
I rub my cat backwards because it pisses her off and amuses me. I’m 90% sure this is the primary reason she knocks shit off tables. On a related note… would it be cruel to bring her to Petco and let her pick out a mouse dinner? And who would it actually be cruel for? Not her. I guarantee she’d lose her little kitty mind. 


*telling people I cooked the thing they liked*
          “But how much of that did you use?”
          *tips a bottle…* “That much.”
          “That’s not a measurement.”
          “Put that in the pot until you feel good about your life choices.”


Have you ever had one of those days? You know the one I’m talking about. The day where you write 10k words and pat yourself on the back for a good writing day… but it wasn’t for an active story you’re publishing here? ‍♀️


Every time I read a story where Character A averts Character B’s eyes… all I see is someone reaching out and snatching someone else’s eyeballs out their head to make them turn them. Welcome to my late night thought process.