
          	Dominic and Faye will be returning! 
          	Thanks to the amazing responses I have been getting from people, Dark Sand has been at the front of my mind for a long time. 
          	All your comments and notifications (I read every single one of them) means that Dominic has been aggressively tempting me to forget about my other projects and write a sequel! The domineering bastard! :P
          	I will be releasing chapter 1 as a valentines day present for everyone. Leading up to this, I will have a few more teasers to keep an eye out for, just to get my inner Dominic going and teasing you all to the point of madness! 
          	So, start catching all your butterflies in preparation || εїз εїз || it's going to be a kinky 2025! 
          	Your humble servant,


          	  I'll be anxiously waiting 


          Dominic and Faye will be returning! 
          Thanks to the amazing responses I have been getting from people, Dark Sand has been at the front of my mind for a long time. 
          All your comments and notifications (I read every single one of them) means that Dominic has been aggressively tempting me to forget about my other projects and write a sequel! The domineering bastard! :P
          I will be releasing chapter 1 as a valentines day present for everyone. Leading up to this, I will have a few more teasers to keep an eye out for, just to get my inner Dominic going and teasing you all to the point of madness! 
          So, start catching all your butterflies in preparation || εїз εїз || it's going to be a kinky 2025! 
          Your humble servant,


            I'll be anxiously waiting 


I too am finding myself thinking about Dominic after finishing the book. I feel like he was pretty honest with her about everything before she signed the contract and while she was staying with him, other than when he used her as bait. It wasn't like he treated her that badly most of the time. She brought on the punishments herself. She just didn't want to be there. Which I don't blame  her for but still she signed up for it. 
          He didn't seem very psychopathic to me. I felt like he could have had  feelings for her at the end and her taking his company, I didn't really see the point of that. What is she getting revenge for? She agreed to be at his mercy when she signed the contract. She just changed her mind when she realized she hadn't really thought it out and was in over her head. He paid her rent, fed her healthy food, tried to give her some freedoms, paid what he owed and returned her business plan to her. He had some extreme kinks but didn't seem particularly vicious for the most part. I was hoping they would realize they loved each other and would find a way to be together on more equal footing. I feel sorry for him for some reason. 


@Setahri I've only just seen that you posted this. Apologies for not replying sooner. I like reaching out to everyone .
            I'm quite glad in a way that you feel bad for Dominic because it means you cared about him and the story, which is great to know as the author.
            I'm sorry if the story didn't go the way you hoped, but I also wanted to leave it open to a sequel one day and rounding it off in a way that meant they fell in love this early would have ruined any natural conflict for the plot of the sequel.
            Also, I planned for them to not get together from the start of the book. It wasn't intended to be a healthy portrayal of a relationship and I didn't want to romanticise it that way. They need to be on equal terms if they are going to get together and they're not in that place... yet 


Dear author  i am not feeling good, im feeling bad for Dom, in the end all he wanted was Faye with him, he even said he needed her, and would follow her to death, i know he did not love her amd what he did with her was not very moral? Legal? but but i just wish,  i wish things could be better somehow and both of them were together 
          I am happy for Faye in the end, satisfied that finally she is free but she is not happy, i am also not happy..ik you might feel im stupid for connecting and thinking abt the story so much but i cant help it..i am feeling sad about Dom..
          I want to request if you have no intention of a sequel or evn if you have one,  could you give us an epilogue?? From Dom's point of view?
          I want a closure, i am feeling very idk how to explain.. i feel as if i was in a relationship with them and now that it is over i am still not over them,  i need closure


@RMRayne i would had made so many reeeeeeeels on dark sand if only i knew how to make them for your story other than this gonna share this to the few reader people ik..
            Added dead tempted to my library ❣


            Hi, don't apologise for reaching out, I absolutely love hearing from readers. I need a big following of you amazing people to make the book viral. Share it everywhere, any groups or forums you are in and any social media you can!
            I do have plans for a sequel but at the moment I need to work on the third book in my trilogy, Dead Tempted. Thanatos is pretty similar to Dominic if you crave more but the genre is completely different and the heroine not a very strong person like Faye.
            If you wanted to DM me, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about what might be next for the couple and hopefully help you find some closure :)


@RMRayne babeee im in loveeeeeeeeeè with dark sand in love la la la loveeee realllyyyy worth the votes and everything, i am wondering how it is not viral or something❣❣
          Pleaseee think about a sequel this is sequel worthy!!!! We want moreee!!!!!!
          I mean the way the book ended was so good, it satisfied me so much, but i am hungry, ravenous for more of them


Want more or Dark Sand? Please write a review on my Amazon page, send me a screenshot of you posting the review, and I'll send you the first chapter of the next book!! It's gotta be worth 2 minutes of your time!
          You can contact me on authorrmrayne@gmail.com or my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rmrayne.
          Please make sure to show that you are the one typing the review, as I don't want anyone to claim your review as theirs :)
          Review here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dark-Sand-erotic-fuelled-revenge-ebook/dp/B0CG3R76HC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1M98M1YO5W8L7&keywords=dark+sand&qid=1694721743&sprefix=dark+sand%2Caps%2C112&sr=8-1


@RMRayne well I will make sure this book reaches my friends and gets the love and appreciation it deserves. If possible maybe you can try taking part in one of wattpad's writing itself??..


@ShadowAqua2021 thank you so much. It means a lot. I'm not very good at advertising so I rely on people sharing my book with their friends and talking about it. But I really appreciate someone reaching out to say how much they enjoyed it 


@RMRayne Ma'am your book single handedly managed to blow my mind away all i gotta say is - IM A BIG FAN OF YOUR WRITING AND YOU ARE VERY UNDERRATED


Hey where can I find dead tempted book 2?


@candyland77 thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me to hear! And I am so glad you like it ❤


@RMRayne btw I love what and how you write, it's totally enchanting and I can't get over your Dt1❤