Hey everybody, it's (I think) the first time I'm posting something on here so...
          	I only wanted to say that I hope everyone is doing good, that everyone is staying safe, and trying to help the BLM cause as much as they can. It's not a black people's problem only, it's a humanity problem. So many racist acts are happening not only in United States but also all around the world, and the world is slowly but surely waking up to them. These police officers that murdered these people, human beings like you and I, are criminals and nothing else. Nobody, ever, has a death or live right on ANYBODY...
          	Share as much as you can on the situation, sign petitions, donate if you can, and talk to people around you. Of course, do it peacefully because bringing hatred on people just make them camp on their positions and doesn't make a better person anyways. I truly hope that everyone one will be safe and that we'll all stay united during these hard moments. I, also, wish my dear LGBTQ+ people a happy pride and a good night/day to everybody.
          	Feel free to come talk to me if you need to, if you're scared, hurt, sad or all of them I'll listen to you.
          	Love y'all


Hey everybody, it's (I think) the first time I'm posting something on here so...
          I only wanted to say that I hope everyone is doing good, that everyone is staying safe, and trying to help the BLM cause as much as they can. It's not a black people's problem only, it's a humanity problem. So many racist acts are happening not only in United States but also all around the world, and the world is slowly but surely waking up to them. These police officers that murdered these people, human beings like you and I, are criminals and nothing else. Nobody, ever, has a death or live right on ANYBODY...
          Share as much as you can on the situation, sign petitions, donate if you can, and talk to people around you. Of course, do it peacefully because bringing hatred on people just make them camp on their positions and doesn't make a better person anyways. I truly hope that everyone one will be safe and that we'll all stay united during these hard moments. I, also, wish my dear LGBTQ+ people a happy pride and a good night/day to everybody.
          Feel free to come talk to me if you need to, if you're scared, hurt, sad or all of them I'll listen to you.
          Love y'all