
UPDATE: So sorry for the lack of activity. I have some judges who haven't been contacting me back. Not only that, but my personal life has been growing crazier. I may need to put a hold on the awards book.
          	I don't plan to run the awards book forever. If anyone is interested/willing, I can give you the log in information for this account as well as the email and password for the gmail linked to this account.
          	I am currently looking for work and have a job interview on Wednesday, I am doing something church related three days a week, and because Father's Day is getting closer, I will be leaving town to go see my grandfather. And then I need to finish prepping for college. 
          	So if anyone would like to the chance to run the Ruby Novel Awards, I am more than happy to hand the reins over to someone else. 
          	Thank you all for your time and I wish you a very blessed and happy summer.


UPDATE: So sorry for the lack of activity. I have some judges who haven't been contacting me back. Not only that, but my personal life has been growing crazier. I may need to put a hold on the awards book.
          I don't plan to run the awards book forever. If anyone is interested/willing, I can give you the log in information for this account as well as the email and password for the gmail linked to this account.
          I am currently looking for work and have a job interview on Wednesday, I am doing something church related three days a week, and because Father's Day is getting closer, I will be leaving town to go see my grandfather. And then I need to finish prepping for college. 
          So if anyone would like to the chance to run the Ruby Novel Awards, I am more than happy to hand the reins over to someone else. 
          Thank you all for your time and I wish you a very blessed and happy summer.


UPDATE: I have all the romance scores! Thank you @WinterLafae for stepping up and reading the books we needed the scores for! I am in the process of putting them into the RNA Winners book.
          ALSO: I have chosen to extend the vampire genre contest deadline for submissions. Things have been crazy where I'm at and I have not been able to go through all the entries. Submissions for the vampire contest will close on the 25 of this month.


@RNAadmin no problem! I’m legit excited to see the scores now. Lol  


UPDATE: I am currently waiting for the last batch of scores for the romance genre. Thank you so much for your patience!


@WinterLafae yes, I have your scores.


@RNAadmin WHAT?! You got mine right? I know I've been a bit all over the place, but I hope you're not waiting on mine. :(


Good morning! I have some announcements to make.
          1. The romance genre will be closing for submissions tomorrow! So hurry up and get your books in!
          2. We are nearing the end of Round 1 in the fantasy genre contest. Results for round one will be posted by Tuesday at the latest. 
          3. Participants in the fantasy genre, if you have not followed your judge, please go do so! If you do not, ten points will be deducted from your score.
          Thank you! And have a blessed day!
          ~RNA Admin


@RNAadmin yay!! I'm so excited for romance to start for the judging