UPDATE: So sorry for the lack of activity. I have some judges who haven't been contacting me back. Not only that, but my personal life has been growing crazier. I may need to put a hold on the awards book.
I don't plan to run the awards book forever. If anyone is interested/willing, I can give you the log in information for this account as well as the email and password for the gmail linked to this account.
I am currently looking for work and have a job interview on Wednesday, I am doing something church related three days a week, and because Father's Day is getting closer, I will be leaving town to go see my grandfather. And then I need to finish prepping for college.
So if anyone would like to the chance to run the Ruby Novel Awards, I am more than happy to hand the reins over to someone else.
Thank you all for your time and I wish you a very blessed and happy summer.