“ would you still love me even if i was the murderer :( “

@internetroll , “ i would like you if you were a criminal though :(( . mama i’m in love with a criminal ;( . the way you think you can get puss — i pretend i do not see it . i mean i could get a new boyfriend and pretend you don’t exist :) . “ / ugh i know but #insecuretingz anyways maybe i’ll make an anon of him soon before anyone else gets the chance to ahah

@ROMANT1CS “ i mean no one likes criminals , bennie :( . no i’m saying it would’ve been easy to be me or be fully accused if i wasn’t catching some hot puss on the internet ;) . you’re saying that like you have a life to live :/ . “ // ugh how can u get it wrong everyone will, there’s only three episodes out

@internetroll , “ wow , what makes you think i’m not loyal :( ? so you’re saying that you would’ve killed him ? that’s pretty shady , if you ask me — but whatever :) . visiting you in jail and calling you is kind of a hassle ,, plus you’d probably be in there for life :/ . “ / ugh bae stop lying i don’t want to disrespect everyone by portraying him really badly :/