/     get @internetroll to 200 again rn or i’ll throw hands


@internetroll , 
          	  /     ugh people sleep on u & for what >:(


          	  // when she’s overprotective * heart eyes *


“  would  you  still  love  me  even  if  i  was  the  murderer   :(  “


@internetroll ,
            “ i would like you if you were a criminal though :(( . mama i’m in love with a criminal ;( . the way you think you can get puss — i pretend i do not see it . i mean i could get a new boyfriend and pretend you don’t exist :) . “ 
            /    ugh i know but #insecuretingz 
            anyways maybe i’ll make an anon of him soon before anyone else gets the chance to ahah 


            “  i  mean  no  one  likes  criminals  ,  bennie  :(  .  no  i’m  saying  it  would’ve  been  easy  to  be  me  or  be  fully  accused  if  i  wasn’t  catching  some  hot  puss  on  the  internet  ;)  .  you’re  saying  that  like  you  have  a  life  to  live  :/  .  “
            // ugh how can u get it wrong everyone will, there’s only three episodes out


@internetroll ,
            “ wow , what makes you think i’m not loyal :( ? so you’re saying that you would’ve killed him ? that’s pretty shady , if you ask me — but whatever :) . visiting you in jail and calling you is kind of a hassle ,, plus you’d probably be in there for life :/ . “
            /     ugh bae stop lying i don’t want to disrespect everyone by portraying him really badly :/ 


this message may be offensive
//  i  hope this helps ur blurbs brainsotmring B)
          skip the whole corona shit that's stupid asf >:(
          "  maybe  we  should  ,  umum  ,  sneak  down  to  the  quarry  and  you  know  ;  be  rebels  cause  12  am  is  boring  :(  .  "  jacob  suggested  ,  pursing  his  lips  with  his  point  and  resting  his  chin  on  the  shoulder  of  his  girlfriend  like  a curious  child   .


/     ugh we been knew doe :// no stop pls i am begging u 
            i pretend i do not see it


@internetroll ,
            “ shut up , it’d be better than your flip phone :/ . when he’s such a good role model for me <33 . but i’m so nice and you’re so mean , we are not the same :( . because you aren’t funny and i know nothing will change . 8 year olds are weird and gross though :/ . no i’m not , it’s like a three inch difference :( . jacob , stooooppp — that has nothing to do with what we were talking about . “ she whined , resisting the fat urge she had to hurt him >:( . she judged him with her elbow , trying to get him to leave the room already . “ but that’s a lot of work just to impress you :/ . everyone knows that , you’re slow . no you haven’t , it took me like two extra minutes :( . “


*** // ur so illegal rn it’s insane !!!
            caught catching all that puss B)
            just fax