Fa'afetai lava, for the follow! Much alofa, Sili❤

Aye, its np. Love representing our island and indeed as some others be bringing us down. But we always get back up stronger, ya know. Buh, fa'afetai for the offer, I might take it up. Anyways, if you need anything pm me anytime. From one Samoan to another. Much alofa from the U.S. Sili

@imsamoan12 Mahalo Sili im glad someone is putting our culture out there properly with so many other people putting us in such bad light. But hey if you ever having writers block let me know Id be happy to help a fellow writer. luv from Hawaii, Lina

@imsamoan12 yes us Samoans are one big Aiga ♡ and aye, thx even tho I feel as they bad lmao. Buh thx again, mate. I got major respect for yous. ♡