
Hellooo ! Just a message to know if you're gonna post other chapters for your story, because I can't wait to read them :))


@ ROXYAWESOMENESS123  okayy I understand I can be difficult to write sometimes so I'll wait ! I'm sure the next chapters will be awesome, just like the others, take your time ! ;)


@Eu_lalie666 hi! i've been thinking about writing more, but for quite a while i haven't been motivated for various reasons, writer's block being one of them, stephen's angel face era coming to a close is another. i've wanted to write more but i'm still having trouble figuring out how to develop the story and keep it interesting. i've debated whether or not i should post an update to the story explaining all this but don't want to scare people into thinking i'm done with the story. i'm NOT done, just to be clear, but it'll be a while before the next chapter is up bc i haven't written anything in a while. glad to hear your enthusiasm for it!