
Hey everyone! 
          	I know I haven't updated anything in ages. It's because I've been so busy with school, but I'm going to try to edit and update more this semester. Expect Rainbow Star to be taken down for editing and slowly released again starting in February. 
          	Thanks for the support so far!


Hey everyone! 
          I know I haven't updated anything in ages. It's because I've been so busy with school, but I'm going to try to edit and update more this semester. Expect Rainbow Star to be taken down for editing and slowly released again starting in February. 
          Thanks for the support so far!


College/University/(whatever you want to call it) is quite busy and I've been doing loads of writing of outlines and projects daily without fail. Hopefully I'll have more time to write tonight and tomorrow! 
          Luckily I'm several chapters ahead of Rainbow Star, so I'll be updating that again shortly.


Hi! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your support. It means the world and more to me; I really appreciate it. :) 
          Here's a <3 for the <3 you left on chapter eleven. 


Thank you for thanking me! I know even the most simple of comments are appreciated, so I try to make sure to comment on whatever I read if I really enjoy it. I'm hoping you update Jump In again soon!