*  ╱╱  cb && specify the mood for an interaction !  please specify if you want a one-liner or starter !


/ / * * oops, oneliner pls 


*  curious one liner! 


*  ╱╱  cb && specify the mood for an interaction !  please specify if you want a one-liner or starter !


/ / * * oops, oneliner pls 


*  curious one liner! 


/ / * * i am alive !
          . . . i  am  smoking  off-campus,  scott. you  do  know  that,  right  ?


               well,  i  can’t  do  it  inside. i  mean  i  could  but—  anyway,  did  you  need  something  ?  or  you  here  to  bug  me  ?


ID.  @strongshields 
            course i do .  i can smell it from three feet away .


… do  you  want  to  talk  about  it ?


‘scuse  me  for  being  worried ,   i  guess .


ID.  @ofblazes 
            as i've told everyone else ,  i'm fine .  it's just an old head injury that flares up .


well ,   bottling  it  up  won’t  help .


✧   this school is meant to ,, help ones with gifts?


ID.  @scarlethour 
            you couldn't have known .  
            *  a sheepish smile ,  before the man shrugged .  he began to lead the woman indoors towards the mansion ,  gesturing a bit to the grounds .  charles would have her explore on her own ,  regardless ,  && if she were to get volatile then he would send jean as mediator .  telepath to telepath would be quite understanding .   *
            these are the grounds .  they've been here for generations under charles xaviers family .  they serve as the 'quad' for states' universities && the green is so large that many students can do different things .  towards the back ,  there's the basketball court && on the edge of the grounds is a lake .  the actual building pales in comparison ,  now that i think on it .


@RUBYVISORS  ✧.    ⁽ a small thin line would form on her lips before she would give a reluctant nod ⁾  I will do my best to keep that in mind. it’s a bit a habit when you’re always on edge. ⁽ upon hearing there were other people on the grounds that possessed similar powers she would cheer up some ⁾  they both sound, credible. i should like to meet them, eventually. but I don’t think i introduced myself? my name is wanda, wanda maximoff. 


ID.  @scarlethour 
            *  scott stiffened ,  a tad uncomfortable .  another psychic && a telepath at that .  there was a bit of unease at knowing that another just scanned his mind && the minds of all within the x-mansion .  *
            the professor is a known telepath ,  yes .  the same can be said of jean grey ,  a graduate of my batch .  it's not recommended you read minds without permission unless it's an emergency .


a slight visible annoyance came across the mutants face just before his coffee reached his lips.  only a few inches before the black substance was drank, then moved down slightly his fingers grasping the white mug’s handle.   logan’s eyes followed scott carefully as if expecting something, then flickered to the time.  a slight hum of surprise would leave his throat. 
          “ you’re up early.  “ the comment came almost in a kind way, almost.  as if he wasn’t annoyed that the early hours weren’t a time he enjoyed his own peace and quiet.   


@RUBYVISORS ╱          logan watched scott closely, a usual habit from him when anything moved that was within eyesight.  a more, animalistic instinct then anything else.  one that he couldn’t get rid of and he had tried many times in the past to get rid of it.  the mug went back to his lips, slight hums and groans in response to scott’s words.  to at least let the man know he was still listening to him.  scott’s question wasn’t answered immediately, his body slightly tense.  logan didn’t always sleep or he didn’t sleep at all some nights.  far too many nightmares of his past came back in them, the wars or other details he’d rather not remember.   it had been another sleepless night.   
            “ i didn’t sleep.  “ it was blunt even if he thought of not telling the truth.  he found no reason not to tell it how it was.  the white mug was placed on the table, eyes shifting to cereal and berries scott had made for himself.    “ so i’m usually up around this time.  “ 


ID.  @metaIbones 
            ❝  USUALLY AM .  I WIPE DOWN THE MATS ON THE TRAINING ROOM ,  GO FOR A RUN AROUND THE CAMPUS .  ❞  scott hummed ,  hair still slightly damp from his shower .  it was still early ,  far too early for a reasonable person to be up .  (  the younger members of the team had a tendency to poke fun at his sleeping schedule ,  calling him an 'old man' .  )
            scott got out his cereal from the cupboard ,  the same he's been eating since he was an early teenager .  the routine hadn't changed && in fact intensified under stress but for now he wanted to change things up by adding berries in his cereal .  he took a seat across from logan && asked his question before digging in .
            ❝  WHY ARE YOU UP ?  ❞


you won’t hurt me, you know. *jean would gesture to his glasses*  ive been practicing. 


@RUBYVISORS  I know you can my dear. but that’s also something I adore about you. you make a girl feel a hundred bucks. *jean would press a soft kiss to his cheek*


ID.  @foreverburns 
            i can do the same with you ,  you know .  compliment you day in && day out until i ran out of words .


@RUBYVISORS   i was teasing. mostly. i would compliment you 24/7 if i could. But you’re right. It doesn’t help anyone to have a big one


I /attempted/ to make pancakes - they came out better than expected .


ID.  @magiklimbo 
            *  scott did as was instructed ,  not wanting to anger the girl .  the pancakes were actually atrocious ,  but he stomached them down with copious amounts of sugar probably not great for his health .  he demonstrated his clean plate with a smile .  *
            you && kitty should take over breakfast duties one of these days ,  take the strain off of jean && i .


              good idea - now eat before your food gets cold , pancakes are better warm . 


ID.  @magiklimbo 
            jubilee ?  well .  i'll have to look into that .  