Okay, I read your Thomas the Taken Danken book.
And, frankly, I don't have much to say considering that I'm neither a Thomas fan or a Steven Universe fan.
Though overall, I say it's.. decently written, I guess
Okie, so pardon my being a bit of an asshole, but 1, my grandpa is dying so I'm grieving, and 2, I despise you. But here:
I, once again, despise you. And I am trying to exist without it being about you. You are not invited to make my life about you. Fuck you. By the way, also, this gay bitch gets to vote for whoever they like, you bigoted half-used eyeshadow palette.
About what? About the fact that I'm grieving? About the fact that I hate you? About how you don't get to jam your way into my life? Speak up, sweetie, you have the voice of an annoying gnat.