
Once again I have taken down my OC book, with intentions to once again refine my characters.
          	And I cannot give a date on when it will come back. Hell in all honesty I may just end up making a brand new book altogether.
          	We’ll see.


Once again I have taken down my OC book, with intentions to once again refine my characters.
          And I cannot give a date on when it will come back. Hell in all honesty I may just end up making a brand new book altogether.
          We’ll see.


I finally was able to republish some of my characters bios! My Sonic OCs are back up right now, and while I may go back and double check for spelling errors, I’m pretty happy with them right now! ^^
          For now I’m satisfied with them, and maybe this will encourage me to fix up my MHA characters…maybe.


I have unpublished my entire OC book…sorta. The book itself is still technically up, but I’m gonna be readjusting the characters again. Maybe changing names for certain characters to better suit personalities and such, and finally settling on one MAJOR thing that I’ve been itching to fix for a while: the magic system of the witches.
          How well I do on this will depend on whether I will even get around to it. Probably around the same time I do the other ocs, lol.
          Regardless, I will eventually put them back up. 


Hmmm…debating on whether or not I wanna adjust my Sonic ocs again. Nothing too major, the main backstory for the Caldavar sisters will be the same, but I came up with a new idea around them and I’m going back and forth on whether I want to put it in.
          I dunno. What should I do?


In the midst of me actually editing an old oc page that wasn’t even filled, I accidentally published it. Lol.
          It’s gone though.
          Back to either more work or off to a nap, whichever comes first
          Actually while I’m at it, might as well give a few tweaks to my other still punished ocs


Just unpublished all my MHA ocs so I can revamp and tweak them. When will I reupload them? Dunno. Maybe round the same time I reupload my other ocs I unpublished to retweak lol but in all seriousness, whenever I feel like it


@AbellaHeart- oh thank you! Same here


Hope all goes well with your editing 


Hey all!
          So currently I’m bored out of my mind and am in an rp mood.
          If anyone has any good rps going on rn, please point me in those directions!
          I’ll currently at the moment rp Sonic stuff and My Hero Academia and will stick mainly to PM, but if there’s a good rp book out there, again, let me know.


Okay, so last night I said I would take a break from revamping my old sonic ocs, right? Well I lied to myself, cause I just posted the revamp page for Hebe, whose been renamed Jubilee. Among the major changes to Jubilee was:
          an expansion on her backstory/slight overhaul of it
          retconning her name to be Jubilee (duh)
          Changing her gender identity so she is now a transgender female (i think she may had been trans the whole time cause i always envisioned her with the back spines that male hedgehogs have, i just didn't have the proper word for it at the time. My high school didn't teach me about the lgbt comminuty sadly. sorry it took me this long to figure it out)
          less cringing wording for her bio
          and that should do it. Hope y'all like Jubilee cause she was the most fun to revisit and NOW i will take my break from revamping. Cheers!


Hey guys! Wow it’s been a hot minute since I last did any story stuff, eh? Well, I did something big: i revamped my original three ocs completely. The Caldavar Sisters, all Sonic ocs, got overhauls on their backstories, which also has affected my other Sonic ocs. At this point in time, I’ve completely redid the backstories of the Caldavar sisters and their relatives, including Yunīku, the only adopted sibling, and Mallene, the mother. Thantos has remained mostly the same except for the major changes in his relationship to his nieces. And I hope it works out. I definitely had a blast revising these gals, and I hope you guys enjoy what I came up with. And yes, I will be revamping my other ocs, but not now. I was whooped from revisiting he ones I did and need a break to think hard about the others, including whether I will even repost the original versions or not. 
          Okay bye!