
Greenies , I'm updating wrath of forsaken everyday hope u enjoy it 


Eternal love rewritten is complete guys take a look and the second part will start within few days ...
          The second part is known as "love is a lie" it's going to be a mature one ... Lol   the love between zhe Han and Wang ye...hope they will end up together....
          Have a nice reading day....⛈️


@R_A_S_H_ Hello, I hope you are well, but please, did I delete it because I cannot find the book?


The new intresting chapters of eternal love rewritten has uploaded, don't forget to read guys I hope you enjoy it , many new characters will coming soon and the main storyline is on the way and also the romance is on the wayyyy whoooooohooooo
          Hope you enjoy my story eternal love rewritten and if you have anything to say about the story you can comment there okey!! 
          And I'm truly apologize for my spelling and grammar mistakes and I hope you can understand, I'm not good at writing but I'm trying my best do write because I really love writing. Please forgive my mistakes and help me to correct my mistakes too