(Part 3) In November, my mom got a call saying that her father was passing and almost within a couple hours my dad gets a call that his mother passed a week prior in West Virginia. On the day of my grandma on my dad's side's funeral, my mother gets a call from California that grandpa passed. I'm going to funerals back to back but I told myself 'finish this semester strong and mourn later' which in hindsight wasn't my smartest choice. By the time my finals week came up my nana got put in the hospital. I had been visiting her almost every day when I drove back from school. I would go up there and she would be so sick that she couldn't readily recognize me but I still just sit with her or nap with her. When she got admitted to the hospital my mom, dad, sister and I stayed by her bedside and only left for work, school, or to get a change of clothes. I was literally sleeping at the hospital, waking up to rush to school to take my finals, and racing back(I know not one of my smartest choices). We eventually took her off of life support and I went to tell my boss I probably wouldn't be mentally stable to come to work. Her response:'I already took you off the schedule from your no-call no-show last week.' Mind you, she's talking about the Saturday before my finals that I asked to have off a week in advance and she said she understood. Nana ended up passing on the 10th of December. Definitely, the most depressing Christmas yet. And to end the year off with a bang, I was on my way to my psychiatrist when my car starts overheating and just completely stops. I struggle to get the car home, missing my appointment(which took a month to back on schedule) all to be told that my car is totaled. And I think that's everything from start to finish. If you made it this far, Thank you for listening and letting me trauma dump.
@RaNdOm_MuSiC18 I hope you get better soon. Traumas and depression is something I think you can never ignore but you should remember that you are precious....I hope you find your happiness and continue doing what you love Bangtan loves you no matter what