
Hey guys,
          	Well, the day has arrived. It's the 24th (In Australia, at least. Everyone else will be getting this super early) so I'm removing Black Sheep. The first chapter of the rewrite will be posted within the hour. It will be under the same name, so that's no different, really.
          	I'm nervous because you guys seemed to really like this story, but I hope you'll all like this newer version as well. I'm aiming for weekly to bi-weekly chapters, but we'll see what happens.


Hey guys,
          Well, the day has arrived. It's the 24th (In Australia, at least. Everyone else will be getting this super early) so I'm removing Black Sheep. The first chapter of the rewrite will be posted within the hour. It will be under the same name, so that's no different, really.
          I'm nervous because you guys seemed to really like this story, but I hope you'll all like this newer version as well. I'm aiming for weekly to bi-weekly chapters, but we'll see what happens.


Hi guys,
          I'm just letting you all know that on the 24th of November, I am REMOVING the completed version of 'Black Sheep', and going to start uploading rewritten chapters. It hasn't been completely rewritten yet, but it will be.
          Why? My writing has greatly improved, and I feel that the current version isn't the best it could be. It's rushed, I think. This new version will be longer, and while most plot points will be the same, you will notice some differences. 
          I hope that you guys will enjoy this newer version! :)


Okay. So, I am still working on the rewrite of 'Stop Judging Me'. If anything, it'll be weekly updates. The original story and it's sequels have been unpublished for the time being. I want this story to be viewed with fresh eyes (plus they are rather embarrassing for me to keep up, for the time being. I'm not very happy with them).
          I also want to ask past readers a favour; please don't write in comments about events from the past book, or spoilers for the original ending. You're only going to ruin the experience for others. And as it is, I still don't know which events I'm keeping, and which I'm changing.
          Anyway, thanks, guys :)


I actually have written a one shot sequel as a ghost, and two where he never died (one happy, the other not so much, depending on how you look at it).
          (Ghost/Spirit/Wraith Casey): http://www.wattpad.com/12886050-raawr%27s-quirky-shots-letting-go
          (Happy): http://www.wattpad.com/13155353-raawr%27s-quirky-shots-mornings-version-2
          (Not so happy - This probably won't make sense if you haven't read the sequel 'unjudged' which isn't too much of a sequel, but more of a collection of one shots that mostly fit together showing every ones lives after the death of Casey: http://www.wattpad.com/13329982-raawr%27s-quirky-shots-love


Just thought i'll say hi. cx
          Oh and btw, if you need anyone to make your book covers then let me know, I enjoy making them and I charge nothing. c: It's just sooo much fun to make them, but anyways, haii. XD


Haha, hello! :) And thank you so much for the offer, I may very well take you up on that after I come off the hiatus no one knows I'm on, haha.


          That's great ideas, Becca. Why not you go ahead and give it a shot? Soon you might regret it for it. Think about it.
          Also if you go ahead and write it then you might have some ideas to pop out for your current stories as well. 
          Can't wait to read it whenever you will be ready to post it asap.
          Take your time to write it and keep writing, Becca :) x


@RaawrImaDinosaur HAHA you know me so well. Yeah I will :D x


Haha I see. You do that :)


@RaawrImaDinosaur I just google it and you are right that it is series. Damn it :P
            That's alright and I will swing by to borrow more books of her because she had wrote new books as well :P x