Do you know what really grinds my gears? Triggers my pistol, floods my bathtub, etc. People. Wattpad writers, specifically. Who write mature, triggering content -which is all well and good when it helps you - but then at the end of the chapter triggers state in the notes "this chapter was really triggering to write..." Etc, etc. Like?? What?? You claim you're writing this book to help your mental health and then you write and post chapters that are intensely graphic and triggering for you, the writer? Please, for the love of Velociraptor Jesus; don't write self-triggering content! That's not self-care, and the only reasons in my opinion to write self-triggering content is when you're in a very/fairly recovered and stable headspace mentally, and it advances your plot, and it makes sense and is a plot you wish to publish. Otherwise, you're just hurting yourself! You're also more likely to fall out of love and inspiration for your story and plot if you mentally have to distance yourself from the triggers you write, and therefore are also subconsciously removing yourself from the book to keep your brain safe. Or, you run the risk of inserting yourself too much into the story to the point where you get so overwhelmed with your plot and trauma that you end up re-traumatizing/re-triggering yourself constantly, and then have to stop due to poor mental health! Please, young angsty Wattpad writers, put the proverbial gas mask on your brain and mental health first, not on your followers and readers, it doesn't matter what a stranger on Wattpad thinks, what matter is your own mental health and wellbeing! Protect yourselves!

@ RabbitHeartedHuman you are so right, when I write triggering content it is only for venting and making me feel better, but I have seen authors making a notes at the end of the chapter saying this had triggered them, I may be an hypocrite, but if it triggers you just don't write it! if you want to write a poem about it to vent that's good, you do you, but if it is triggering you avoid it as much as possible, since I know how hard it is and all of that ~Jo