
@RaccoonLord.  Hi, Belle, and thank you for voting for Famine.
          I originally wrote its rough draft while still a soldier.
          The story is set in my hometown with names of characters much like people you'd still find there.
          In the 1970's Jonah Mark desperately tries cryogenic freezing to extend his life.
          Although he wakes up free of cancer nearly one hundred years from now, his "Brave New world" presents far more problems instead.
          Somehow the woman he loved carried on the rest of her life without him.
          Now thanks to technology, he  must carry on his life without her but sees photos of her work in his community during her life.
          Her dynamic  influence affects people in his community even in his own time.
          He didn't realize how much he had depended on her and now is alone.
          I hope you continue to enjoy the story.