
Hey, everyone 
          	I know it has been a while since I have posted.  I am still working on the next chapter for the hobbit fan-fiction. The chapter will be out soon, life has got in the way and now with this virus. I will be able to write some more for all of you to enjoy, until next time READ ON.


Hey, everyone 
          I know it has been a while since I have posted.  I am still working on the next chapter for the hobbit fan-fiction. The chapter will be out soon, life has got in the way and now with this virus. I will be able to write some more for all of you to enjoy, until next time READ ON.


Thank you for all the votes on Sja Fram!


That's true, I just want to be an auther. I hope at some point that I will.


Sometimes there's nothing else to do but try.


            I try plus I have a fanfic that I am happy to make and I try yet a lot of people love it. I am working on it.


Hey everyone,
          Just saying that I am sorry for not posting more chapters of, The Ice Dragon Among the Company.
          Lately I've been trying to find a new job and plus developing writers block. I Do Appreciate On How Much All Of You Like It It Puts A Smile On My Face.  I do love you all and here's a question since it's still early in the book who should Snow fall in love with?
          1. Thranduil
          2. Thorin
          3. Glorifindel
          4. Bard
          Cast your votes.
          The reason that I didn't put Legolus is because you will have to wait for later in the story. I will say that it is a surprise. 
          Enjoy and read on.
          Snow A. Dragmar