
Can't believe it, I'm another year older. *goes into emo corner* I'm getting old and there is nothing I can do about it.


@RachelCahill, oh my goodness! I can't believe I forgot!! D: Happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)


To my beloved and dear devoted readers of the Romany series, I regret to inform all of you that as of right now the second book Je T'aime Tojour is on temporary hold. As I am making a very large transition in several personal matters. But fear not many other of my books are put on hold as well. I am so sorry, and I will try to update as best I can.


I want to write the chapters with more action and suspense for Je T'aime Tojour but then it wouldn't be a good book. Grrrr! Darn you music, inspiration for specific chapters always make me want to just skip the stuff that should be written.


Hi Followers, 
          Well the next chapter of A Forgotten Memory may be posted soon
          the Other Half will have to wait, Captured angel is still being written, and finally those reading my fan fiction about Romany I decided to make it into a chronicle series since I have ideas for book two and three.