
          	It pains me to write this. I battled myself all day yesterday on how and when I'd disappoint some of my readers. Mainly, because I've been on such a long hiatus because of personal reasons. Y'all don't want to hear about that. It has just been one thing after another since my gallbladder issues.
          	So, I'll get right to the point. I'm sure most of y'all have seen the posts from other authors concerning a malicious website mirroring Wattpad. Unfortunately, all of my stories are on the malicious website.
          	Since I do have future aspirations to self-publish, I must protect my work to the best of my capabilities. Because it's the only way to get them off the malicious website, at this time, I have to take them off of Wattpad.
          	First to come off will be Push and Pull tonight. I will add it to Inkitt and continue it there. Next will be Finding Series and Revelation Series within the following week. Both will be added and continued on another platform. All of my stories will be only available on the platform's app, not the website, in an attempt of preventing this from happening again.
          	Blood, Betrayal and Bonds is almost finished, Divinity, Envy and Ascension is just beginning, and my one-shot Falling Again are on another platform.
          	For those of you who are sticking with me and understanding, I thank you. I appreciate you time and time again for the grace you've shown me.
          	You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, and the other platform at the same username as here. Please go to my Instagram for more information.


@Price0908, same as here. rachelgstories
          	  Thanks in advance for finding me there. ☺


What’s you Inkitt name


          It pains me to write this. I battled myself all day yesterday on how and when I'd disappoint some of my readers. Mainly, because I've been on such a long hiatus because of personal reasons. Y'all don't want to hear about that. It has just been one thing after another since my gallbladder issues.
          So, I'll get right to the point. I'm sure most of y'all have seen the posts from other authors concerning a malicious website mirroring Wattpad. Unfortunately, all of my stories are on the malicious website.
          Since I do have future aspirations to self-publish, I must protect my work to the best of my capabilities. Because it's the only way to get them off the malicious website, at this time, I have to take them off of Wattpad.
          First to come off will be Push and Pull tonight. I will add it to Inkitt and continue it there. Next will be Finding Series and Revelation Series within the following week. Both will be added and continued on another platform. All of my stories will be only available on the platform's app, not the website, in an attempt of preventing this from happening again.
          Blood, Betrayal and Bonds is almost finished, Divinity, Envy and Ascension is just beginning, and my one-shot Falling Again are on another platform.
          For those of you who are sticking with me and understanding, I thank you. I appreciate you time and time again for the grace you've shown me.
          You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, and the other platform at the same username as here. Please go to my Instagram for more information.


@Price0908, same as here. rachelgstories
            Thanks in advance for finding me there. ☺


What’s you Inkitt name


Hey, everyone!
          Whew! This summer has seriously kicked my butt. Between my health and my kids being, well, kids, I neglected writing and y'all. But guess what?! My sons start school in two days, Wednesday. My baby girl starts Pre-K the following week. That means this momma will finally have time to do all the stuffs! Be on the lookout for some new chapters next week.
          Thank y'all, for sticking with me through this summer. Y'all have always been so damn understanding. I hope y'all also had a great summer and that your kiddos have a great school year!
          Stay safe and healthy. I can't wait to get back to writing and hearing from all of you. 




I wasn't going to say anything because I don't always need to explain myself, but then my own little good heart tugged me towards y'all knowing real life smacked me once again.
          Months ago, I began having indescribable pain in my abdomen. But I am stubborn and didn't go to the ER. A few weeks ago, I finally did. Today, I had my gallbladder removed.
          So, I'm not leaving any of my stories hanging. Finding Hope and Comfort, Loyalty, Secrets and Life along with Push and Pull will continue once I'm finally back to myself. And, hopefully, I can get back to some kind of normalcy—whatever that is—soon-ish.
          Sending all of you good vibes, and thanks for being the awesome, patient readers y'all are to me.


@RachelGStories That's heavy. I send you healing strength and the love of the creators. I hope you heal completely and can once more find comfort in your endeavors and your joy for writing continues.


Thank you, everyone, for the support and well wishes. I appreciate it so much. 


Get well soon!! Sending you prayers and good vibes for a speedy recovery! ❤️


Hey, everyone!
          Instead of my usual apologies, I figured I'd jump straight to expressing my gratitude.
          March has been a difficult month for me since 2014, and true to form, it's been difficult this year.
          So, for your continued patience, I wholeheartedly thank all of you. Y'all will never know how much I appreciate my readers being so understanding and not pushy.
          I will update FH&L as soon as I can, and I am hopeful to jump back into LS&L next month. It's been way too long since we last heard from our little group of humans, vampires, and wolves. Fingers crossed, y'all!
          Again, thank you for being you. ❤


@ RachelGStories  wow.. health come first!! I wish you all the best and a fast recovery ❤️


@aliceben16 Thank you for understanding. I actually have to have surgery soon. One thing after another for me these days. It's just a gallbladder surgery, and everything should go well and be back to normal after. I'm hopeful after my health is taken care of that I'll be back to my regular updates of all ongoing stories. Again, thank you. 


I was just wondering if it would be an update of FH&L and then I saw your post, sometimes we forgot that there are real persons with real lifes behind books.. take care and thanks for caring about your readers we will be here supporting you and waiting for your books and when the time will come it will be much more enjoyable and emotional reunion because of the waiting 


Hey Rachel! I just found your account and I am just wondering if revelations series are connected to each other or can be read as stand alone? 


@Intertwinedhearts Anytime. If you do read, I hope you enjoy them. ❤


@RachelGStories Alright! thanks for replying ❤


@Intertwinedhearts Hey! They are connected. The ending of Blood, Betrayal and Bonds picks up in the middle of Love in the Rain. Loyalty, Secrets and Life picks up towards the ending of Love in the Rain. All are complete except of LS&L. I will be updating LS&L, hopefully, soon. ❤


Hey, everyone.
          I hope y'all have been doing well. We're at the end of January, and I wanted to give y'all a quick update on things.
          Loyalty, Secrets and Life--I have major writer's block. I know what's going to happen. My brain is just having difficulty putting the words into scenes into chapters. I cannot apologize enough. It won't stay like this. I will continue it and finish. Eliza and Amos aren't done with, yet.
          Finding Hope and Comfort--I usually try to update every other day or every three days, but I feel like crud. My gut isn't being nice to me, and it is causing my head to hurt. All of that means I'm pretty useless to everything outside of making sure my kids are fed.
          Before I became sick, I was working on something new. I won't be releasing it until I'm comfortable with where I'm at with it. I'm trying to learn from my writer's block with LS&L. I hate making y'all wait for me to update. Anyway, this story will be a Sports Romance. Childhood best friends cross paths after not seeing each other for 15 years.
          I want to thank you all for being awesome readers. Y'all are always so patient and understanding. I will always appreciate that more than y'all know.
          Hugs and good vibes to all of you, Happy Reading!


Good evening, everyone.
          First, I want to apologize (I feel like I've been doing that a lot this year) for being pretty silent this month. The holiday season is always a tough one for me and this year just beat me down a little more than usual.
          I do plan on continuing Loyalty, Secrets and Life. I just need to get my mind back into it. I won't leave it unfinished. It will be finished.
          Secondly, I am going through a little rebranding. Booksnmoods did my new logo. I have made a Facebook page and group. So, I now have an Instagram, Facebook page, and a private Facebook Group. My name on everything is rachelgstories.
          Below you will find a link to the Facebook group if you would like to join. There and my Instagram is where you can interact with me the most.
          As always, thank you for hanging in there with me. Happy Reading! 


No reason to apologize life happens. Sending you lots of love! ❤️❤️


@RachelGStories hey no worries.  You have this girl. Life happens and ur readers will understand.  Love ya hun❤❤❤


Love ya girl! This year has been a b**** so you take what time you need! Keep up the awesome work! 


Love the new branding. So you


@kelsmitty well I'm excited for you & for me. Yes I'm selfish  but that's nothing new 


@kelsmitty Thank you, ma'am.  I seriously can't wait to share everything else I have planned. 


Hi I love you stories and look forward to the new one. I was also wondering when you going update Loyalty, Secrets and life?? X


@KellyEdwards932 You're welcome and thank you for reading. I appreciate the compliment about my stories as well. ❤


@KellyEdwards932 Thank you for the reply , I completely understand and thank you for the fab stories x


@KellyEdwards932 I should start to get back on track with LS&L next week. With everything I had going on, I focused on finishing Finding Strength and Home. Now I plan to focus on Loyalty, Secrets and Life while preparing for the 3rd Finding book to be released. 