
"What do you fancy, then?" He asked her, opening his arms wide. "We can go anywhere you'd like! I arranged for security to arrive any minute so we won't be bombarded while out with Bea."
          	Mum thought for a moment, lifting her mouth to one side.
          	"I can't really think of anything off the top of my head, but how about we go out and see where it takes us?" She suggested awkwardly.
          	He nodded, thinking of where would be a good place to start when he caught sight of the roof of a bus driving past. He automatically remembered the advertisements on the side.
          	"I have a great idea!" He grinned widely, looking at Bea with a sparkle in his eye. "How would you like to go to a theatre?"
          	"Cinema!!" Bea cried, leaping out of her car.
          	Mum and Ethan laughed.
          	"Not quite, Princess." He chortled. "It's a show! They sing and dance on a stage. We can go and see Wicked or Frozen?"
          	"Frozen!" Both mum and Bea said at once.
          	"Done deal then. We will start our day off there."
          	I just published "Chapter 29 - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1468702757?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


"What do you fancy, then?" He asked her, opening his arms wide. "We can go anywhere you'd like! I arranged for security to arrive any minute so we won't be bombarded while out with Bea."
          Mum thought for a moment, lifting her mouth to one side.
          "I can't really think of anything off the top of my head, but how about we go out and see where it takes us?" She suggested awkwardly.
          He nodded, thinking of where would be a good place to start when he caught sight of the roof of a bus driving past. He automatically remembered the advertisements on the side.
          "I have a great idea!" He grinned widely, looking at Bea with a sparkle in his eye. "How would you like to go to a theatre?"
          "Cinema!!" Bea cried, leaping out of her car.
          Mum and Ethan laughed.
          "Not quite, Princess." He chortled. "It's a show! They sing and dance on a stage. We can go and see Wicked or Frozen?"
          "Frozen!" Both mum and Bea said at once.
          "Done deal then. We will start our day off there."
          I just published "Chapter 29 - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1468702757?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


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"Did you want to watch a movie tonight?"
          "Lord of the Rings?" He suggested.
          "Which one?"
          "Why not start at the beginning? It's a trilogy, after all."
          She giggled and reached for the remote, trying to work her way around his android TV.
          She still wasn't used to using it and swore on her life that the TV was determined to drive her crazy. While her boyfriend could easily use the voice command, the TV didn't seem to understand her.
          "Lord. Of. The. Rings." She over pronounced into the remote, making Ethan snigger in the kitchen.
          "Here are your search results for Hoard of Things." The TV responded, bringing up a Netflix series.
          "See?!" She cried, throwing up her arms in exasperation. "This thing never understands me!"
          "Try it again." He chuckled, finally managing to uncork the red wine and get out two glasses.
          "Lord. Of. The. Rings. Fellowship. Of. The. Ring!" She tried again.
          "Here are your results for Bored of Bling, friendship rings." The TV replied, bringing up YouTube results.
          "Oh, piss off then!" Hannah spat, slamming the remote down beside her in defeat, folding her arms and pouting in a tantrum.
          He threw his head back and laughed, jeeringly, picking up the glasses and bringing them both over, offering her glass first.
          "I don't like your TV." She scowled as he picked up the remote and sat beside her, still chuckling. "Why do you have to have a TV that you have to talk to, but doesn't understand you?!"
          "Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring." He said clearly into the remote.
          "Here are your results for Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring." The TV responded, showing the trilogy movies.
          Hannah gawked at the TV.
          "That's fucking favouritism!!" She snapped sourly.
          I just published "Chapter 28 - Bea's Birthday" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1441732046?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


He snorted and quickly picked up his napkin to hide his laughter. She giggled and took the spoon in her mouth, almost inhaling the mouthful instead of swallowing it.
          She coughed and spluttered, grabbing her own napkin in case the soup came flying out of her mouth.
          "Are you ok?!" Una asked worriedly, patting her on the back.
          She nodded frantically and grabbed the wine to wash her palette.
          "Don't you like it?" Ethan asked, about to call over the waitress and request a different option for her, but Hannah stopped him.
          "I wasn't expecting it to be cold, that's all." She admitted quietly, wiping her mouth on the napkin and lifting her eyes up to see everyone staring at her.
          Charlie leaned across Ethan and kindly patted her hand in a fatherly way. "I understand, young lady. You know, they never used to serve cold soup when they started this gala in the sixties. Back then, it was a wonderful king prawn cocktail. The meals were bigger, and they certainly didn't look as fancy as this dribble. You know, I remember that first night, I was sitting next to..."
          Ethan cast Hannah an exasperated sideways glance as she kick-started Charlie's nostalgic rambling again. She grimaced apologetically back and decided to focus on her soup.
          I just published "Chapter 27 - The Charity Gala Part Three" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1441875687?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


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The couple turned and scowled at Bianca.
          She had her arms folded and a sly smile on her face. She looked Hannah up and down like she smelt something bad under her nose.
          "We weren't introduced earlier. I'm Bianca McMillan. Nice to meet you." She faked pleasantries.
          "Hannah." Hannah nodded coldly. 
          "Hannah." Bianca repeated like she was committing it to memory.
          "What do you want?" Ethan snapped, not even bothering to fake being nice to her.
          "Oh, that's nice!" Bianca laughed humourlessly. "I'm just introducing myself as you cruelly decided to blank me earlier."
          "I thought I had made it clear that I never wanted to see or speak to you ever again." He spat back. "Or do you need one more reminder?"
          Bianca rolled her eyes and turned back to Hannah, forcing herself to smile sweetly. "He's such a cold bastard, isn't he?"
          "No." Hannah replied blandly. "No, he isn't."
          Bianca blinked at her, realising that the bitch wasn't one to keep facades, so dropped her fake sweet attitude for her true nature.
          I just published "Chapter 26 - The Charity Gala Part Two" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1441664472?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


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"I fucking knew they'd do this!" He hissed coldly, his eyes fixed on the group in front of Una.
          "Do what?" She frowned as she looked back at the group when she saw what he meant.
          Bianca was there! She was wearing a bright pink dress, talking to two men, flicking her hair back arrogantly over her shoulder while she kept the men's attention on her. She had seen Una arrive and make her way towards them, but blatantly ignored her once she got close enough.
          Ethan began to grind his teeth at her cruel behaviour towards Una, but Hannah gripped his hand tighter, reminding him she was here.
          "I'm sure it'll be fine." She assured him even though she had no idea what fuckery could happen later on.
          The lady organiser opened their door again.
          "Mr Sanders and his plus one?" She said sternly.
          I just published "Chapter 25 - The Charity Gala Part One" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1441424869?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


Sewn in Love was the most expensive looking bridal and evening wear dress shop that Hannah had ever walked into.
          The whole shop was a brilliant, crisp white from the walls to the lush carpet, as well as the huge U-shaped, modern sofa. The ceiling was adorned with extravagant diamond chandeliers, which cast tiny slithers of rainbows over the whole room, giving little glimpses of colour and making the place all the more magical! In the corner, beneath the biggest of the diamond chandeliers, was a slightly raised circular platform surrounded by a semi circle of mirrors, each with their own spotlight over the top.
          The dresses were located down a narrow corridor that had framed pictures of celebrity brides lining the walls. All of them had chosen their bridal gowns from the shop, and they were proudly displaying it.
          As soon as they entered, a young girl, barely in her twenties, approached in an all black suit.
          "Good afternoon, sir. Madam." She smiled kindly as they walked to the centre of the room.
          Hannah was bowled over by how clean it all looked. It made her feel extremely guilty for wearing her dirty shoes on the white carpet.
          Ethan, however, began to feel sick. Dejavu was hitting him hard and it wasn't a good thing.
          I just published "Chapter 24 - Sewn in Love" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1440507372?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


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"Ethan! What the fuck?!"
          "That's what you get for scaring me!" He smirked, leaning in and lifting her top with the blouse up to undress her. "Now we have to have a shower together."
          Hannah spun around to face him, gazing up at him with naive curiosity, her mind full of imaginary scenarios they could do in the shower together.
          She had never had sex in the shower, but she was definitely willing to give it a try!
          "Can I at least get undressed first? It's not very appealing to get undressed while in the water, the tops sticking to my skin." She protested, leaning against him seductively.
          He froze at that. He hadn't expected her to be on board with his suggestion. He only said it as a joke, saying it just to see her storm back to the bedroom to get changed after she'd learnt her lesson.
          He stared at her, flummoxed for a moment, before his dick reminded him she was game! He immediately switched his gaping open mouth for his smouldering grin and stepped aside to let her get undressed.
          "Don't be too long." He huskily whispered in her ear as she passed, gently nipping at her earlobe. "I'll be here waiting for you..."
          I just published "Chapter 23 - Alone at Last" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1440329016?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


          She rolled her eyes at that. "I don't need to be chaperoned, you know. I managed to fade into the background like a nobody as usual. It was fine. I just went with the flow."
          He hummed at that. "Nothing happened?"
          "Nope, nothing. Apart from me finally getting to try Mels muffins. They're really good."
          Mel winked at her from where she listened to the half conversation at her desk.
          "Alright, but I'm still going to have to speak to Steve and let him know about the changes."
          She groaned. "Ethan, is that really necessary? They're not really going to find anything interesting here!"
          "It's more a warning, of sorts." He explained loosely. "Just letting him know that some may try and get in the building."
          "Yeah, and how's that going to go?" She chuckled as she typed out some figures into a spreadsheet. "Hey Steve, remember me? Oh yeah, sorry. I lost my wig on a funfair ride, and it took off the tip of my nose."
          He laughed at her teasing. "Well, I've got to go into your building today anyway, so -"
          "Huh? Why?" 
          "I own it, baby. I own the whole building, just lease out the offices.'
          Her jaw dropped. "Is there anywhere you don't own?"
          "Not really. So, shall I meet you for lunch like usual? There's a new sushi place open on the corner we could try?"
          She smiled and shook her head. "I'll think about it."
          "Alright. I'll let you go, and Hannah?"
          "Don't disappear like that again. I thought I'd done something wrong, and you'd stormed out on me!"
          She laughed at him. "I promise. Love you."
          "Love you too. See you later."
          She put the phone down on her desk and returned to her work.
          "What's this about a wig flying off a funfair ride?" Greg queried curiously.
          I just published "Chapter 21 - Keep Calm and Carry On" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1439954169?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott


Once everyone had sat themselves down, with Liam, Hannah, Mum, and Lisa on the sofa and Martin, Ethan and Dad sitting on the kitchen counter stools, they began.
          "Right then. So far, Mr Taylor has been released on bail until further notice while we await a date for the court hearing. Sadly, Mr Hemsworth is pressing charges against him. Authorities will want to speak to you all tomorrow to take your witness statements of the incident. These will be done over the phone for convenience sake. We are trying to stress to them that Mr Hemsworth was verbally abusing Miss Taylor and her daughter -"
          "Which is true!" Lisa spat, grinding her teeth.
          "Quite." Liam nodded at her. "Therefore, the aim is for it to be seen as an act of defence for his daughter and granddaughter."
          Ethan narrowed his eyes as he let the advice set in. "Would they still want mine and Martin's statements? We weren't part of the incident until Graham had been arrested."
          "They will. They will need to hear how it affected Miss Taylor and her daughter."
          Martin nodded and sighed. "Poor kid."
          Mum sat forward. "Is it worth mentioning Jakes actions, or lack of, over the past seven years?"
          Hannah snapped her head round to stare at her mum. "Mum, why do -"
          Liam nodded. "Yes. It would help give the courts a better picture of what Mr Hemsworth is like as an individual. While they will still give Mr. Taylor some kind of sentencing, it would make it less severe."
          I just published "Chapter 20 - Liam Venson" of my story "Earn My Trust". https://www.wattpad.com/1437613113?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=RachelMayScott