
Chapter 3 of Don't Sweat It is up xoxoxo



Hey everyone! 
          Sorry I've been so quiet lately, there's been so much happening in my life with school and university and whatnot, but I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all of your lovely messages and comments recently! It's so nice to know that even when I'm not actively writing you're all still loving my work :)
          I've had something in the works for ages now and it's very different to other things I have written. This is a very personal story and I've kept it to myself for a long time, however I feel like it would be amazing to share it here. 
          If you'd be up for reading it, please either reply to this or send me a message because I'd love to hear from you guys :) 
          Thanks xoxo


I have read a lot of books in my life , never have I ever experienced something like this ever before ,  this is nothing less than an eyeopener for me. 
          I saw myself in the protagonist , the resemblence was entirely uncanny.
          I think the way she does ...... I felt like someone had come inside my mind and written this , I would be thinking in the same way if I were in this situation.
          This just makes me cry so much , but yet I suddenly break off into uncontrollable laughter in between ,it just leaves me with a mess of emotions....I'm a bundle of emotions right now.
          I have never really liked the routine so called love stories but this is just , it is meant to be , it seems too real,i feel like Alec is mine , I feel like I'm walking in these unwalken streets in london.....this book has been able to move me right to the core....there is this unsettling lump in my throat and I'm breaking down. No book - even books like kite runner and fault in our stars made me cry so much, it kind of pains me to tell this because this is because I'm selfish , because i could relate to Cat so much , I was so selfish , I felt like I was losing alec. 
          In the course of the story , I feel in love with Alec , lost him and here I'm unable to make the ends meet , i really cant , this.....this makes me feel sad  ,heartbroken,happyand nostaligic at the same time.  
          Never have i ever , ever felt anything so real ,this character is handmade for me , or the other way round.
          i myself laugh at romantic stuff and teary love stories ,mock these stuff by calling them onion cutting ninjas which make people cry for silly stuff and all but you really got me here,you really did.
          It is like a man who was born with out sight doesn't know what sight is, but now it is making sense to me now ,that maybe yes , maybe the concept of love may really exist rather than a petty biological trick to let the species propogate,love which is something different , something more than in the steryotypical light it is shown in.