Hello, just popped by to say thank you so much for fanning I'm not sure which story you're reading but I really hope you enjoy reading it. Have a nice Sunday, littlepinkcupcake :)
@RachelSkywalker01 Thank you SO much for becoming my fan and thank you SO much for adding On the Outside to you library!!!!! It really means a lot to me. :) Thank you!!!!
Thank you so much for fanning me! It means the world to me and I'm forever grateful for your support and love, your an angel and I cannot thank you enough! ♥
I really hope you enjoy my stories and please don't be afraid to give feedback, I hope you continue to show your support, and check out my other work!
My Facebook pg for Wattpad you can just search "JordieXx" or; http://www.facebook.com/pages/JordieXx/111714198913927?sk=wall
If you're reading from one of my worlds (Invisible/Unbelievables) check my author's note on pg. 2 of my work - it has all the other stories from those worlds (meaning for eg. I have more than one werewolf story :))