
Oh my gosh. Shoot me now. I just wrote a good three pages on chapter 5, and I was copying and pasting it onto my email, but paste didn't work and I had already closed the document. Now I have to rewrite those three pages. Cries


Hey I was wrong you guys. I thought I would be done with chapter four of Bruised and Scarred but I ended up adding A LOT more to it. I'm seriously almost done now. Don't know when it'll be up though. Either today or Thursday? Sorry! I promise it will be good though!


Hey, I'm sorry if I haven't been updating frequently, i just have heaps of homework, and also I'm working on a new story which will be out SOON but not until I finish Long Live the Prince and His Princess which I am sad to say may be ending soon. it will take a lot of chapters but I already know the ending and everything and I'm going to be writing several chapter tonight and over the next few weeks. I'm very excited for this new story and I really hope you guys will like it. I'm almost done with the first chapter and by the time it's posted, it will have several chapters with it. Don't fret about LLTPHP, I will keep it on my profile after it's been finished. Anyway, thought I'd update y'all. Keep reading please! Tell friends and stuff. Thank you, I love you! c: <3


@dlmackenzie I didn't labor much, it was based from a dream I had after watching My Sister's Keeper. 
          Thank you so much for your feedback, you have no idea how much it means to me. A lot of people say I'm a good writer but they're all friends and family, so sometimes you need an opinion from someone you aren't acquainted with.


I read "Stay With Me."  It's quite good.  You avoid most of the common new-writer flaws.  You show when you need to show and tell when you need to tell, your narrative flows nicely, and your dialogue is lifelike.  It's not the sort of story I'd necessarily read, but you drew me in anyway.  I don't know if you labored intensively to create this, but it seems effortless, which is why I said you have genuine talent.  In my case, I hope that a lot of time and effort honing my skills will eventually make up for my lack of native talent!