Sooo, I am FINALLY getting surgery on my arms! This is to fix cubital tunnel syndrome, which is like the more commonly known carpal tunnel syndrome, except it's an irritation of the ulnar nerve which is your "funny bone". i've been dealing with this since early 2019 and it's just been miserable. It was the biggest reason I stopped writing The Romancing of Tuesday Dennings, it was simply too painful to write.
i'll be getting one arm done at a time obviously, first my left arm which will be for the elbow as well as the wrist. After that recovers, however long that takes, I will get the surgery on my right elbow.
what does this mean for the book? Well, I am going to continue to work on it as much as I can but I am also going to remove the deadline I had set for myself. Life happens and I think it's just really unreasonable to try to push myself to write a book while also dealing with multiple surgeries.
fortunately, things have been going so well. I'm really happy with the direction the book is going and I do feel that I'm going to be able to make progress no matter how small.
i'll keep you guys updated if I have anything big to share but for now, I'm going to focus on my health. While they ARE major surgeries with potential long-term recovery, as well as their own risks, I'm excited for them because hopefully they're going to fix my problems, and I'll have a lifetime of being able to freely write without pain!
Wish me luck!! ❤️
xx Alice