
I've got 2 more updates on the way! Editing now. At least one will be up over the weekend. Xx


I should probably know better by now than to say when an update is coming! Haha sorry for that. I had my laptop battery changed and it took longer than I anticipated. But we're back in action now, baby!


@RacyLacey Still waiting for update Christmas........!!!!


Obviously, in the grand scheme of waiting for your updates not a long time has passed but do you think we might see the Vegas chapter anytime soon????? CHIM have been very quiet sexually in the last few chapters, is a Chimandrea encounter on the cards??? Enquiring(well, frankly,dirty) minds want to know!!!!!! Sorry for being such a brat. Hope you are well and thriving in our crazy times


I've got 2 more updates on the way! Editing now. At least one will be up over the weekend. Xx


I should probably know better by now than to say when an update is coming! Haha sorry for that. I had my laptop battery changed and it took longer than I anticipated. But we're back in action now, baby!


@RacyLacey Still waiting for update Christmas........!!!!


It's been a while! I have posted an update of Chim - One Hundred Dozen and have more on the way. I'm not even sure how many people read these Chim fics on here anymore. For what it's worth, I sincerely apologize to those who were waiting for the update all those years ago. I do appreciate all of the comments and messages over the years and to this day! Thank you. Xx


@RacyLacey you have no idea how much we've missed you and your updates!! Glad to see you back xx 


Hi!!!! I'm fangirling reaaaaally hard because I see an update? Tell me is happening? 
          But it can upload when I click on it so I don't know what's going on. Can you pull me out of.my misery please? 
          To this day I still re read this from time to time, so just know I loooove your writing ❤❤


@JBFKJR Hello hello! It really means a lot to me that you enjoy the story. I am in fact trying to get an update out! I apologize for the notification. WP was giving me grief. It will be up though. Thank you btw.


Yes, i cant seem to remove this from my library


@ChezzaTweedy9 yes, thank you for updating this.. 


Hello, all! I know this is random and completely irrelevant after all this time, but I've been in London for a few days now and I can't believe how much it reminds me of this site and these stories.  Writing this story was an interesting time in my life and although I haven't continued it, I still think about it from time to time and I think of you guys.  Thanks for those amazing memories.  
          This city has stolen my heart already but honestly, I think it already did before I ever even got here.  It's incredible what travel can do.  I've been gone from home just under a month and each new city I see is a new portal into my imagination.  My career has kept me quite busy and constantly on the move but I hope to have a minute to write to you again soon because another chapter is definitely in order - in this story and in life! Haha Cheers. 


@lovinqtweedy Haha it's up Xx Surprise!


i’m 20 now but i’m still ready for that next chapter lol


Just relatively new to watpad & must say exceptional writing  & a fascinating story, quite addictive actually.I as a fan of your talent as are many as it would seem can't wait till you get the time & desire to continue with you great story. Hope all is going well for you in life.


@user11676924 Surprise! After all this time, it's up Xx Thank you for your kindness.


No, I didn't forget about this. I know it's been a long time and I can't thank you enough for your understanding and patience.


Ahh its good to hear from you after all this time. :') Hope youre well and I really hope this means maybe you'll continue your story cant wait to read more from you. Happy holidays btw! 


@RacyLacey You just made my entire day. Hope you continue soon ! Just the chance that we might get an update soon excites me lol


@RacyLacey it's so good to hear from you. Hope you are well. I'd love to read more if you ever do get a chance to continue. One of the best fanfics EVER! Actually it's just great storytelling full stop. 