I cannot believe its been over a month since i have updated chapters in Thrones of the fallen.
I fully blame getting back into teaching (real faces, questions and improvisations are a lot harder than Loom!) also had an overly anxious pug who hates back to normal with a passion - and also just being obsessed with autumnal walks. Happy Mabon / Autumn equinox to anyone celebrating!
So here it is - things are finally going to the underworld in a hand basket for our three royals. And the game is officially a foot. There will be some tears, some devastating loss within the famous five northman, and a hell of a lot of sass ( i mean would you really be nice as pie on a ridiculously long journey through a forest with a bunch of horses in the freezing cold with a crazed demi-god on your tail?...Nope)
Our main characters are finally coming into their powers, but with them comes...nah im not going to be too cheesy. With them comes a hell of a lot of baggage, drama, and headaches. Can they get to the bottom of whats going on before its too late, better question is, when they do, are they going to wish they hadn't?
Look out for some amazing new characters in the next few chapters. Inspired by some socially challenged, no BS taking people in my own life.
HAPPY AUTUMN (from glorious Wales, UK) i hope it brings you all the peace, and rest in the world.
Fy holl cariad (all my love), Rae x