
Guess who got their wisdom teeth removed today!~


Hi so i was wondering if I could write a story reacting to your beasties with the bad guys ? I promise to give you credit


@I_Hate___life Also, I just noticed that on your profile you have the reaction videos that I read! They are so good, and keep up the great work!


@I_Hate___life OMG of course you can! Please send the link so I can read it as well! And credits would be nice thank you for asking first!


Hello my new child- wanna get mcdonalds or any other restaurant? 


@Rae_Racc00n Hehe im sorry- I just interact with people as a father if they interact with me ig!


@FatherKyo I apologize, who are you?


Hey everybody! For those who are reading my MHA story, good news!
          I will be posting the next two chapters in just a few minutes!
          The first will be the fight scene! And the next is just a filler chapter.
          Btw, I still frequently edit my story so it’s still in the aspects of my au (obviously) but matches up with the canon story. So if any other chapters besides 10 and 11 show up as updated, it just means that 8 tweaked some things. They’ll be minor, so it wouldn’t really matter if you reread them or not.
          Have a good day, afternoon, or night, wherever you all are!


Hello, I found out about you through your Besties With The Bad Guys story, and I love your content soooo much! I don't mean to sound rude while asking this but when will you be updating it? I totally understand if there is something going on in your life which then I apoliogise in advance.


Update: will be posting chapter 10 + 11 in the afternoon today! (Writing this on Saturday at 12:23 am so…)


OK, I'll keep a look out. I can't wait! You are one of the best writers I've seen!!!


@TogaSimp171 Sorry if it's taking a while to update, but I'm kind of stuck. I'm trying to write a fight scene (it's my first one) and I don't want it to be bad. I'll try to finish it soon though I promise. It'll either be a really long chapter or two chapters seepratly published at the same time.


Hey, so I’m currently working on a Gravity Falls X Reader story, and the reader will be any gender because I’m trying to write it in mostly the Reader’s POV or a third person POV where they don’t use pronouns. Are any of you interested in reading it? Because I’m not sure if I should publish it or not.


Hey guys. I hope you are doing well. I know that techno’s recent death has hit a place in our hearts. He was one of my favorite streamers and always will be, and I just can’t believe that he’s gone now. Shows me how much life really means when something happens to the people you care for. Stay safe and take care of yourselves, your friends, and your loved ones. Never take your time with them for granted. Technoblade will continue to live on in our memories and hearts, and he will never be truly forgotten.
          Technoblade never dies.


Heyyy people getting this and actually reading it. I cannot apologize enough about not posting a new chapter for whichever book you are reading / waiting for at the moment. I promise to try and finish as soon as I can. I am currently on a plane right now with barely any Wi-Fi, and I’ve been having a writers block for most of my stories. It also doesn’t help the fact that I’ve started a few more, but those can wait for now. I just bought a notebook, mostly for writing down ideas and sketching out future scenes, so that might help get the brain working on some new ideas that I hope you will enjoy. Take care and stay safe! 
          -R_BitBurrow / Rae R@ccoon